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Monday, 23 March 2015

10 Blood Sugar Lowering Foods

Diabetes is a condition that leads to elevated blood sugar level due to the inadequate production of insulin or the body does not respond to insulin. 
Controlling of the sugar levels is very important as chronic levels are toxic to the body and can destroy the blood vessels and organs, increasing the risk of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes
Eating the right food helps to lower the blood sugar level. Find  some of them right here.

Foods That Help To Lower Blood Sugar
  • CinnamonCinnamon helps to reduce the blood sugar level and the risk for developing the diabetes. Whole cinnamon and its extract both have sugar lowering capability.
  • Fenugreek SeedsThis spice is commonly used in the South Asian Food and contains a wide range of herbal medicines. It effectively lowers the blood sugar level. 
  • GarlicIt not only lowers the cholesterol level, but also helps in lowering the blood sugar levels. Garlic helps by increasing the amount of insulin that regulates the blood sugar level.
  • Nuts & AvocadoNuts and avocados contain Monounsaturated fatty acids that are an important component to maintain the healthy blood sugar level. Avocados help to lower the sugar level by improving the resistance and the bodies respond to the insulin.
  • BlueberriesBlueberries are rich in anthocyanins and soluble fiber. These berries help to improve the sensitivity of insulin and affect the blood sugar level. It slows down the digestion and prevents rising of the sugar level.
  • Red Cherries Cherries are rich in anthocyanin that improve the insulin resistance and reduces inflammation. The insulin resistance helps the insulin to control the blood sugar level.  
  • Whole GrainsWhole grains such as oats, wheat germ, quinoa and millet are rich in magnesium. It helps to lower the blood sugar level and keep you full all the day.
  • LentilsLentils are the smart legumes that help to manage the blood sugar level. They contain good amount of starch, soluble and insoluble fiber.  
  • SpinachSpinach is full of minerals, vitamins, and fiber that help to control the blood sugar level.
  • Olive Oil Olive Oil contains powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients that help to lower the sugar level and repair and protect the cardiovascular system.

Following the right type of food with certain fruits and the right type of fat can help to keep the diabetes at bay. Along with food, losing weight and exercise is also the most effective ways to have control of the blood sugar level.  

Monday, 16 March 2015

Natural Cures For Spermatorrhea

Spermatorrhea is a physical health condition that is characterized by involuntary ejaculation of the semen while sleeping during the night time. This condition is known to be the basic cause of the reproductive disease and thus bring many serious effects on the person suffering from it.
Treatments and medications are generally suggested after analyzing the root cause of the disease, but some natural cures are also  available that are recommended as the best remedies for curing the condition minus side-effects.

Some Natural Cures For Spermatorrhea
1.      A well balanced and healthy diet should be followed, that is an important natural cure for treating the condition. A healthy diet that also includes fruits and vegetables such as avocado, plum, pineapple and lemon should be followed. Consultation with the dietitian is a must before planning the diet for the condition.
2.      One should avoid drinking alcohol and  smoking cigarette, if suffering from the condition of spermatorrhea.
3.      Healthy lifestyle helps to reduce the risk of the infectious diseases and increases the sperm production in the semen.
4.      With a healthy lifestyle and diet, one should also try the relaxation techniques such as yoga, which  is also the best natural cure for the treatment of the condition. Yoga is the best remedy to get relief from nervousness, depression and stress.
5.      Regular exercise along with the deep breathing exercises helps to improve the health and well being along with improvement in the muscle flexibility, increasing the rejuvenating and strength of the body cells.
6.      Body massage with herbal and relaxing massage oil is another way to naturally cure the condition. Massaging helps to improve the circulation of blood throughout the body and also having a good control on the erection. Body massaging with herbal oil also helps to relieve body ache, improve the central nervous system functioning, boost the production of cellular energy and enhance the joints and muscle flexibility.
7.      Those suffering from the condition should maintain a three day gap between the ejaculation. This is the one of best natural techniques that helps to cure  spermatorrhea. This remedy also helps to treat the problem of infertility.
8.      Those suffering from the condition of spermatorrhea should avoid including spicy, bitter and acidic foods in the diet.
9.      Maintaining the body weight and reducing if overweight is also among the best remedies  for treating the condition. Regular exercise and proper diet helps to maintain the body weight.
10.  Reading good books, herbal supplements and emptying of the bladder are some of the good and safe measure for curing  the condition.
Many treatments and medications are available that are recommended after analyzing the root cause of the condition. However,  one can also go for  aforementioned natural remedies that also helps to cure the spermatorrhea disorder. Consultation with a certified  medical practitioner is a must before going for any remedy.
What’s more,  try Confido from Himalaya, an herbal product that helps to treat the sexual conditions such as spermatorrhea, nocturnal emission and premature ejaculation without causing side-effects.                

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

5 Natural Tips To Improve Sexual Stamina

If you are the one  looking for ways to improve your sexual stamina and strength, then this piece of info  will help you to find it. Majorities of males around are going through this problem and last only for a couple of minutes during copulation, which also leads to more frustration and embarrassment. 

Check out some tips to improve stamina and strength that provide you with some hope.       

Natural Tips To Improve Sexual Stamina

1.Maintain Proper Weight
Many of the people who have problems with their weight such as overweight or underweight, suffer from the issues of sexual stamina and strength. Maintaining proper weight is very important, so regular exercise is a must to lose or sustain weight. Over training should be avoided as it negatively affects the stamina and activity.

2.Kegel PC Muscle Exercises     
These types of exercises improve your intimate life. They are easy to perform that helps to control the ejaculation reflex. It also helps to improve the circulation of blood and reduces stress and fatigue. 

Medications help those who suffer from sexual performance or dysfunction. It boosts erection and testosterone level in the blood.

4. Proper Diet including Right Type Of Foods
Including  right type of foods can help to boost the stamina and strength. Foods such as garlic, avocados, banana, asparagus, chocolate and nuts can increase your stamina to make love even greatly. Avoid foods such as those high in sugar, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods.

This is also a good way to improve the sexual strength and stamina. It helps to control the sexual responses.

Sexual stamina and strength is considered to be an important aspect for males. There are always various ways for improving and boosting the stamina. So, practice more on the sexual techniques with a good amount of regular exercises and  right type of foods.   
What’s more Shilajit Gold (For Power and Stamina) from Dabur is an herbal supplement that effectively helps to improve the stamina, strength and vigor minus the onset of side-effects. It also offers relief from stress and  enhances the quality of life.            

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

5 Steps To Prevent Kidney Stone

The rate of occurrence of kidney stone is rising by day as about one in every ten people have kidney stones. The stones are formed when chemicals get concentrated in the urine and form crystals. 
These crystals grow into larger stones and get stuck while passing through the urinary tract and block the urine flow causing pain. Prevention of the kidney stones is very important. Get some of the preventive measures for preventing kidney stones now.

Steps To Prevent Kidney Stones
  • Plenty Of Water Drinking plenty of water helps to dilute the chemical substance in the urine that causes kidney stones. Enough fluids also help to pass 2 liters of urine through which the stone can be flushed out. Apart from water, one can include fluids such as citrus beverages, lemon juice, and orange juice. 
  • Enough Calcium IntakeLittle calcium in the diet can cause kidney stones by rising of the oxalate level. To reduce this, enough calcium intake should be included in the diet. Calcium rich foods include dairy products, leafy greens, and vegetables and so on.
  • Reduction  In Sodium IntakeHigh sodium in the diet can trigger the kidney stone by increasing the amount of calcium in the urine. So, low sodium diet should be recommended. The daily sodium intake should be 2,300 mg and if having kidney stone, the intake should be lowered to 1,500 mg.
  • Animal Protein Intake Should Be LimitedEating more of animal protein from eggs, meat, seafood and poultry can increase the uric acid level and causes kidney stone. High protein diet reduces the citrate level and helps to prevent from stone formation, but animal protein and daily meat intake should be restricted.
  • Avoid Intake Of Stone Forming FoodsThere are some foods that cause kidney stones such as spinach, beet, tea, chocolate and rhubarb that are rich in oxalate. One should avoid including these foods in the diet if have suffered from kidney stones.

Preventing kidney stones is not much complicated but is very important. The only thing one has to do is take some preventive measures and proper dietary changes to avoid the formation of stones.  
Gokshura from Himalaya is an herbal product that assists in removing the kidney stone, cures the bladder and urinary tract infection minus side-effects. It also helps to cure crystals in the urine.         


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

7 Ways To Prevent Dry Eyes

Dry eye is the most common disorder that occurs when enough and right quality of tears is not produced to keep them comfortable and healthy. 
There are many causes that can lead to dryness of the eyes such as environmental factors, some medications, menopause stage, and long hours of working on computers and so on and so forth. 
However,  few simple tips are available that can help to prevent the dryness and gives a good eyesight.

Ways To Prevent Dry Eyes   
  • Use Of Artificial Tear - Many brands of artificial tears are available in the market that helps to prevent the dryness. Lubricating gels also help to prevent. Use them at bedtime as they are thicker and blur your vision.
  • Too Much Air Movement Should Be Avoided - Too much of air, wind and fan can make the eyes dry, so one should limit exposure to them. One can also prevent by using sunglasses that reduces direct wind blowing into the eyes.
  • Use Of Humidifier - Heating of the house in winter makes the air dry, so using humidifier can add moisture to the air that prevents the dryness of the eyes.
  • Rest Your Eyes - Taking frequent breaks while watching television, reading or working for long hours on computers can prevent dryness of the eyes. Giving rest to eyes and blinking frequently allows regaining of moisture and prevents dryness.
  • Avoid Smoking - Smoking can irritate the dry eyes, so should stay away from it and should be avoided.
  • Eyelid Washing - Gently washing eyelids with baby shampoo and putting warm compress can help to release the oil in the eyelid glands and improves the quality of the tears. Good quality tears prevent dryness of the eyes.
  • Add Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements - Adding Omega-3 fatty acid supplement to the diet can help to relief dry eyes. This fatty acid is naturally found in foods such as flax seeds and fish. Just consult your ophthalmologist before taking the supplement.

Dryness of eyes is a common and chronic condition. One should know how to manage it. Many ways are available to prevent it and consulting with the ophthalmologist is a must.

Herbal product Ophthacare Eye Drops from Himalaya helps to cleanse the eyes from dust and dirt heals irritation of eyes and other disorders. Grab eye care products for good eyesight from OnlineHerbs at affordable prices.            

Friday, 16 January 2015

9 Hair Care Myths And Facts

There are many myths that come from our grandmothers and we believe in them. Some of the myths are very old, but still we follow without knowing the reasons behind it. Here are some myths and their truths for you.

Myth 1 – Frequent Washing Can Damage The Dry Hair

Fact – Hair can be damaged if there is a long gap between washes. If the hair is not washed, it can lead to blocking of the natural oil and more dry and brittle hair. Coloring, brushing the hair when wet and bleaching can cause damage to the hair.

Myth 2 – Blow –Drying The Hair Can Cause To Smoke

Fact – This is a strange myth for many years. The hair ‘smokes’, is due to the evaporation of condensation caused due to the styling gel and products. It is not caused due to the drying.

Myth 3 – Brushing Thin Hair Can Make The Hair Fall Faster

Fact – Brushing can damage the hair if a good brush is not used. Daily brushing may not lead to hair fall. If suffering from hair loss condition brushing will lead to hair loss that is already ready to fall.

Myth 4 – More Use Of Hair Products Causes Loss Of Hair Fact – There are no known hair care products that can lead to hair loss. We just need to be careful of the products of which the content is not known.

Myth 5 – The Hair Care Products Advertised As Natural Are Chemical Free

Fact – All hair care products are not completely natural, it may contain some chemicals. The label should be read properly if you have any doubt.

Myth 6 – Stress Can Lead To Thinning Of The Hair

Fact – Everyday stress does not lead to thinning of the hair. It can be the problem of hormones or inadequate nutrition.

Myth 7 – Standing On Head May Stop Hair Loss

Fact – The hair follicles require more blood flow to grow hair. Doing exercise of standing on the head can improve the flow of blood to the hair, but may not affect the growth rate of the hair.

Myth 8 – If You Rinse Off The Conditioner, It May Not Be Able To Provide The Benefit

Fact – If you rinse out the conditioner that is applied after washing the hair, still it can moisturize the hair as it leaves a deposit of other ingredients and moisturizing protein that gives soft, shiny and conditioned hair.

Myth 9 – The Hair Texture May Remain The Same

Fact – If you are born with curly or straight hair, there may be many conditions under which your hair texture may change permanently and may not remain the same. Many circumstances such as pregnancy, age, medication can lead to change in the texture of the hair.

Thus, there are many myths and facts about the hair care. One should know the reason behind it and then only should believe and follow it.

The herbal product Protein Shampoo Extra Moisturizing from Himalaya helps to strength, nourish and protect the hair from damage. Grab the hair care and other products at affordable prices from OnlineHerbs. It also offers relevant information about the myths and facts of hair care.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Reasons To Lose Weight With Arthritis

We all know being overweight leads to arthritis and pain and many more complications. But weight loss can lead to improvement in the arthritis. The obesity affects the both excess load on joints and loss in weight reduces the load on the joints. Let’s have a look.

7 Reasons To Lose Weight With Arthritis

  1. Low Weight Leads To Less Pain
  2. Less of body weight can lead to fewer loads on the joints and less of pain. If proper weight loss is done through diet and exercise, it can lead to less of knee pain.
  3. Better Functioning Of Joints
  4. Weight loss leads to improvement in the joint functions. Weight loss improves the mechanical pressure in the knee joint. Improvement in the knee function results due to weight loss, and also due to change in diet and exercise. Reducing the amount of fat and calorie intake in the diet is important if are overweight with arthritis and joint pain.
  5. Feeling Better Overall
  6. Losing weight via exercise and diet leads to improved physical quality of life and less joint pains. Proper diet with good amount of exercise is essential for better joint function and health.
  7. Less Of Inflammation
  8. The signs of inflammation occur when overweight with arthritis. The body prepares some chemical markers that can be tracked to measure the inflammation. Interleukin and Leptin are the two chemical markers. Popular studies suggest reducing the intake of Omega-6 fatty acids such as meat and safflower and corn oil, and Omega-3 fatty acids found in foods such as walnuts, olive oil and fatty fish. Both fatty acids are the essential ones, but it has been found that the American diet has more of Omega-6 and less of Omega-3 fatty acid.
  9. Better Heart Health
  10. It Osteoarthritis is linked to the heart disease such as heart attack. Weight management is not recommended for controlling the arthritis but also to boost the heart health.
  11. A Sound Sleep
  12. The musculoskeletal pain interferes with the sleep and leads to insomnia. But weight loss can lead to better sleep. The healthy exercise program also helps to improve the sleep.
  13. Cost Saving
  14. Arthritis is a costly disease that includes the treatment and medication cost. As weight loss can improve the function of joint and lead to less pain, the cost of treatment is also reduced.
Obesity is a serious disorder that can lead to many other complications. . It can also cause arthritis pain. The obesity have both effects, if overweight, it can lead to joint pain and if lose weight; it can reduce the load on the joints.
Shigru from Himalaya is an effective herbal product that helps to reduce the joint swelling, arthritis and pain. Grab the effective herbal products at affordable prices from OnlineHerbs. It also provides relevant information on how to reduce obesity and arthritis.