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Showing posts with label Obesity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obesity. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Reasons To Lose Weight With Arthritis

We all know being overweight leads to arthritis and pain and many more complications. But weight loss can lead to improvement in the arthritis. The obesity affects the both excess load on joints and loss in weight reduces the load on the joints. Let’s have a look.

7 Reasons To Lose Weight With Arthritis

  1. Low Weight Leads To Less Pain
  2. Less of body weight can lead to fewer loads on the joints and less of pain. If proper weight loss is done through diet and exercise, it can lead to less of knee pain.
  3. Better Functioning Of Joints
  4. Weight loss leads to improvement in the joint functions. Weight loss improves the mechanical pressure in the knee joint. Improvement in the knee function results due to weight loss, and also due to change in diet and exercise. Reducing the amount of fat and calorie intake in the diet is important if are overweight with arthritis and joint pain.
  5. Feeling Better Overall
  6. Losing weight via exercise and diet leads to improved physical quality of life and less joint pains. Proper diet with good amount of exercise is essential for better joint function and health.
  7. Less Of Inflammation
  8. The signs of inflammation occur when overweight with arthritis. The body prepares some chemical markers that can be tracked to measure the inflammation. Interleukin and Leptin are the two chemical markers. Popular studies suggest reducing the intake of Omega-6 fatty acids such as meat and safflower and corn oil, and Omega-3 fatty acids found in foods such as walnuts, olive oil and fatty fish. Both fatty acids are the essential ones, but it has been found that the American diet has more of Omega-6 and less of Omega-3 fatty acid.
  9. Better Heart Health
  10. It Osteoarthritis is linked to the heart disease such as heart attack. Weight management is not recommended for controlling the arthritis but also to boost the heart health.
  11. A Sound Sleep
  12. The musculoskeletal pain interferes with the sleep and leads to insomnia. But weight loss can lead to better sleep. The healthy exercise program also helps to improve the sleep.
  13. Cost Saving
  14. Arthritis is a costly disease that includes the treatment and medication cost. As weight loss can improve the function of joint and lead to less pain, the cost of treatment is also reduced.
Obesity is a serious disorder that can lead to many other complications. . It can also cause arthritis pain. The obesity have both effects, if overweight, it can lead to joint pain and if lose weight; it can reduce the load on the joints.
Shigru from Himalaya is an effective herbal product that helps to reduce the joint swelling, arthritis and pain. Grab the effective herbal products at affordable prices from OnlineHerbs. It also provides relevant information on how to reduce obesity and arthritis.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Cheapest LeanTea from Himalaya Online–Natural Herbal Remedies for Appetite and Obesity

What is LeanTea from Himalaya?

LeanTea is a refreshing therapeutic herbal tea that helps in weight management. LeanTea is indicated in Obesity, hyperlipidemia which is the condition of abnormally elevated levels of any or all lipids and/or lipoproteins in the blood. LeanTea is also best suited to control sugar cravings.

LeanTea from Himalaya - Burn extra calories, regulates metabolism and helps in achieving ideal weight

The herbal ingredients in LeanTea are helpful in reducing the conversion of carbohydrates into fats; it also promotes thermogenesis which allows the body to burn extra calories. LeanTea also lowers the production of triglycerides and cholesterol by promoting synthesis of low density lipoproteins. LeanTea acts as a good Carminative and regularizes appetite. It is useful in controlling obesity.

LeanTea from Himalaya is a refreshing herbal drink helps reduce conversion of carbohydrates to fats thereby letting your body burn extra calories and regularize appetite.

Key Ingredient of LeanTea from Himalaya:

Following are the few herbal ingredients that make LeanTea an effective weight loss product,
  • Garcinia Cambogia (Garcinia, Vrikshamla) – It helps to reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into fats that results in appetite reduction. Apart from this it also supports ‘thermogenesis’, a process in which body produces heat to burn the extra calories.
  • Cyperus Scariosus (umbrella’s edge, Nagaramusta) – It has carminative properties that regularizes the appetite and controls obesity by managing the extra fat.
  • Craving for sugar – Craving for sugar allows less consumption of sugar and less sugar means fewer calories, restricts one being overweight.
  • Commiphora Mukul (Indian bdellium, Guggulu) – It useful in reduction of both excess fat and LDL cholesterol as it bears hypolipidaemic and hypocholestraemic effect which ultimately results in weight loss or obesity control.
Directions for Use:

It is recommended to take cup of LeanTea twice daily. Dip the tea bag in a cup of cold or hot water for five minutes. Add honey for best results, if required.

Pack Size:

LeanTea from Himalaya comes in a packing of 20 tea bags in each pack.

Benefits of LeanTea from Himalaya:
  • LeanTea from Himalaya is natural herbal remedy used to control obesity.
  • Himalaya LeanTea is best herbal medicine to reduce conversion of carbohydrates to fats, thereby avoids obesity or being overweight.
  • Herbal LeanTea from Himalaya is very useful to burns extra calories.
  • Regular intake of LeanTea form Himalaya helps in regulating cholesterol metabolism.
  • LeanTea from Himalaya herbals is one of the best way to regularize appetite.
About Onlineherbs:

OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

LeanTea from Himalaya is herbal tea to control obesity and lose excess weight, regulate body metabolism and appetite.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Cheapest Meshashringi Himalaya–Weight Loss Natural Herbal Remedies Improves Liver Health

What is Meshashringi from Himalaya?

Meshashringi from Himalaya Herbals is a powerful herb that helps in regulating sugar level in the blood. The leaves of Meshashringi herb called as “ram’s horn” or also known as Gurmar in Sanskrit is sweet in taste, when chewed destroys the sense of the tongue to appreciate the taste of sugar and all saccharine substances. Meshashringi is a woody climber whose leaf extracts contains gymnemic acid, which is known to inhibit hyperglycemia i.e. increased sugar level in the blood. It helps to maintain the right level of glucose in the body. Apart from its anti-diabetic properties, has an anti-inflammatory property. It is useful in improving digestion and boot up the liver condition. Studies have reported its benefits in obesity to lose weight naturally.

Meshashringi from Himalaya - Best Natural Cure for Diabetes Mellitus

The principle constituent of Meshashringi is gymnemic acid, which has anti-diabetic properties. This gymnemic acid in Meshashringi is responsible to reduce the excessive blood sugar levels in the blood. Meshashringi herbal remedy also shows regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells and is insulin tropic that which stimulates or affects the production and activity of insulin in blood. Meshashringi helps decrease the craving for sugar. It temporarily eliminates the taste of sugar and helps neutralize excessive sugar present in the body in diabetes mellitus. In fact, Meshashringi from Himalaya helps in reducing the want of sugar by temporary inhabiting sugar taste and hence results in the lowering the sugar level in the blood.


It is advised to take one capsule twice a day after meals.

Note: Recommended only at the age of 14 years and above.

(Since the product is in capsule form, some children below 14 years may have difficulty to swallow.)

Side Effects:

No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

Benefits of Meshashringi from Himalaya:
  • Meshashringi Himalaya herbal medicine is used in treatment of diabetes mellitus.
  • Meshashringi herb contains gymnemic acid which has anti-diabetic properties.
  • Meshashringi bears anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties apart from its anti-diabetic benefits.
  • Meshashringi from Himalaya Herbals supports health of Pancreas by showing regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells.
  • Himalaya Meshashringi herbal medicine stimulates or affects the production and activity of insulin in blood.
  • Herbal Meshashringi from Himalaya also supports healthy liver function.
  • Meshashringi from Himalaya helps maintain normal serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Himalaya Meshashringi has anti-obesity effects, widely used as herbal remedy for weight-loss.
About Onlineherbs:

OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

Meshashringi from Himalaya is widely used in Ayurveda for long time to regulate blood glucose level.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Cheapest Shigru from Himalaya online - Natural Herbal Remedies for Arthritis and Obesity

What is Shigru?

The botanical name of 'Shigru' is 'Moringa Oleifera'. It is also popular by the name 'horse radish', 'drum stick'. It is a medium size tree with small pendulous fruit. The Shigru tree is truly remarkable in Ayurveda and has impressive range of dietary benefits. In this plant it has all the nutrients that could be found in a perfect food. The leaf, seed, and fruit powder of Shigru are naturally rich sources of vitamins and minerals and act as a natural herbal remedies.

Shigru Himalaya herb is the most powerful source of natural anti-oxidants. Seeds of Shigru content anti-microbial ingredients. Seeds of Shigru are used as anti-bacterial, anti-choleric and anti-viral. It is used as diuretic for the treatment of edema and also used as febrifuge.

Moringa leaves and pods contain high proportion of vitamin A. Regular use of Moringa leaves can helps to prevent night blindness and also eye problem in children. Leaves of Shigru are useful in inflammatory condition of joints; also it reduces pain and swelling in the joints. Seeds of Shigru used as antibacterial and anti-choleric.

'Shigru' or 'Moringa Oleifera' herb is beneficial in inflammatory conditions of joints. It reduces pain and swelling in the joints. Shigru herb is naturally rich source of vitamins and minerals. Shigru is natural herbal remedy to treat Arthritis pain, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Recent researches have shown its importance to get rid of obesity. The fat-soluble vitamins in Shigru herb help one to lose weight. Night blindness is another disease caused by deficiency of vitamin A. Being rich source of vitamin A, Shigru can be effective to cure night blindness. As it is mentioned in Ayurveda, Shigru is known for its immune boosting properties as it enhances body immunity of an individual. Shigru herbal medicine is very effective in reducing joint pain and associated swelling.


It is advised to take one capsule twice a day after meal.

Note: Recommended only at the age of 14 years and above, since the product is in capsule form, some children below 14 years may have difficulty to swallow.

  • Shigru Himalaya herbal medicine is used as an alternative medicine in the arthritis.
  • Shigru herb is very effective to reduce pain and swelling in the joints.
  • Shigru herb has fat-soluble vitamins. It is used as natural remedy to reduce obesity.
  • Due to presence of Vitamin A in Shigru herb, it is beneficial on night blindness.
  • Shigru Himalaya herbal medicine is used as a diuretic for the treatment of edema also used as febrifuge.
  • Shigru from Himalaya enhances the immunity power.
Side Effects:

No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

About Onlineherbs:

OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

Shigru from Himalaya is beneficial in inflammatory conditions of joints, reduces pain and swelling in the joints.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Punarnava Himalaya – Natural Herbal Remedies for Weight Loss and Asthma

What is Punarnava?

The word Punarnava stands for body renewal. Latin name of Punarnava is 'Boerhavia Diffusa'. It is also known as 'Lal Punarnava', 'Beshakapore' and ‘Spreading Hogweed'. In Ayurveda, Punarnava herb is most widely used in treatment of renal and urinary problems. Punarnava is excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It is used as a heart tonic and kidney tonic.

It is found throughout the India especially in rainy season. Punarnava is excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It tastes bitter and pungent. The whole plant has medical benefits especially roots. In Ayurveda, Punarnava herb is most widely used in treatment of renal problems and urinary tract infections.
Punarnava Himalaya Herb is used to treat jaundice, general fever and obesity. It is also used as anti-inflammatory and diuretic agent. It is used as a heart tonic and kidney tonic. The juice of Punarnava root is useful for the people having night blindness.

Externally Punarnava is used to reduce the pain and swelling. It helps to remove mucous from bronchial tubes hence it is effective against asthma. The roots of the plants are useful to kill intestinal worms. One of the best natural herbal cure for respiratory diseases. Recent studies have shown its effectiveness in fever like malaria, jaundice and constipation complaints. Due to its high diuretic properties it is very beneficial in the swelling recovery.


It is suggested to take one capsule twice a day before meals.

Note: Recommended only at the age of 14 years and above. Since the product is in capsule form, some children below 14 years may have difficulty to swallow.

  • Boerhavia diffusa is an Ayurvedic natural remedy used traditionally in treatment of renal and urinary problems.
  • Punarnava herb acts as kidney tonic as it has property of diuretic, helps to maintain efficient kidney functioning.
  • Punarnava from Himalaya Herbals is a natural remedy to enhance lungs functioning and respiratory health.
  • Himalaya Punarnava is an effective herbal medicine in the treatment of cough, anemia, constipation, paralysis, and nervous weakness.
  • Punarnava Himalaya Ayurvedic product promotes mucous removal from bronchial tubes and hence beneficial in the treatment of Asthma.
  • Punarnava herb is also helpful in reducing weight-loss and to get rid of obesity problems.
  • It is also useful in improving appetite, jaundice, and general fever.
  • Roots are used by the people having night blindness.
Side Effects:

Since, Himalaya Punarnava is Natural Herbal Medicine; No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

About Onlineherbs

OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal health supplements for healing various diseases.

Punarnava from Himalaya is a Natural Alternative Medicine that bears anti-inflammatory properties, very effective in the treatment of renal and urinary problems.