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Showing posts with label Online Herbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Herbs. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 May 2015

4 Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Heart diseases are killing more men than anything else. According to a study conducted by the American Heart Association, close to 33 million Americans are suffering from heart ailments and more than 430,000 die from it yearly.

However, it must be noted that many of those deaths could be prevented by tweaking our lifestyle.
In the context of the same, let’s go through 5 crucial ways following what, heart could be kept healthy and going strongly for many years.

Give Up Tobacco Completely

Smoking is a huge contributing risk factor of heart disease. There are many compounds found in tobacco that could easily damage the heart gradually and cause narrowing of the blood vessels due to plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries. Thus, kick that butt today itself and your heart would never stop thanking you!

Exercise, Exercise & Exercise

Obesity is another risk factor of many a heart disease and many people are developing heart diseases due to not exercising or indulging in any calorie losing task. Thus, try to exercise even for 10-20 minutes daily without fail if you want your heart to be healthy. If you are unable to hit gym, no issues; you could still dance, walk, climb stairs to burn calories and aid your cardiovascular health.

Eat Healthy

Bid adieu to greasy, cholesterol based and fatty foods a good bye as they are not at all good for your heart health. Go for fiber-rich grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean cuts of meat and poultry and including more fish such as Salmon can help your heart escape heart diseases.

Go For Regular Checkups

Always remember when you are not sure, you must go to a noted doctor. See your cardiologist/physician and get regular checkups such as blood pressure, cholesterol level done and act according to his advice. If you have a history of congenital diseases, you must not shy away from regular check-ups frequently.

Implement these heart healthy methods religiously in your life and keep your heart healthy.
What’s more, you can also opt for an herbal medicine such as Arjuna from Himalaya to not only maintain heart health but even kick out stress and nervousness minus the worries of side-effects.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Natural Ways to Treat Eczema Associated With Osteoporosis

Eczema is a skin condition that is similar to other skin problems that can cause worse itching. The new study has revealed that eczema is associated with osteoporosis related fractures. The people with eczema are at a higher risk due to the chronic inflammation that occurs in eczema and impact the bone mineral density.
So along with eczema, care should be taken to treat osteoporosis. Those with eczema should be away from water with no long showers, dishwashing and frequent hand washing. One should protect the skin with thick cream and avoid usage of harsh soaps or any lotion you are sensitive to and scratching.

Some Handy Tips for Eczema

  • Soak a cloth in ice-cold milk, lay on the itchy part. Repeat the process for many times a day as required. This helps to calm the itching.
  • For rash, use calamine lotion that helps with itching and drying of the rash. Add to your bath colloidal oatmeal that helps in soothing of the itchy skin.
  • Excessive bathing washes off the protective oils that help to keep the skin moist. Always use lukewarm water for bathing.
  • Use a cream with heavy based moisturizer after the bath to protect the skin against irritants. Solid vegetable shortening or petroleum jelly also works well to protect the skin. Avoid water based or fragrance based lotions.
  • Avoid scratching and cover the itchy part with small bandage to stop you from itching. Wear thin cotton gloves or pair of socks if waking up with scratched skin.

Natural Ways for Treatment of Eczema:

  • Include foods that are rich in essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 that help to reduce the allergic reactions and inflammation. The foods that are rich in this are flaxseed oil, avocados, tuna, walnuts, mackerel and salmon. Drizzle some flaxseed oil in salads, yogurt or other foods.
  • Zinc helps to protect your skin, also include vitamin E and A to help heal the eczema.
  • The gotu kola herb help ease the itchy skin. You can look for the extract or commercial skin with gotu kola.
  • Eat more foods such as fruits, fresh juices, smoothies, vegetables and salads. Take green vegetable juices and include ingredients such as ginger, celery, parsley, cucumber, cilantro and kale.
  • Include dairy free probiotic products in the diet that re-build and support the healthy gut bacteria. One can also include cultured foods such as miso, coconut kefir and sauerkraut.
  • Avoid gluten in the diet from products such as breads, cereals and packaged foods. You can replace them with fruits and vegetables, sprouts, legumes, seeds, whole grains and seaweeds.
  • Caffeine should be avoided as it aggravates the condition of eczema, instead drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Eczema is a skin condition similar to other skin problems that can cause worse itching. The new study has also found that eczema is associated with osteoporosis related fractures. Those with eczema should take special care and follow the natural ways for treating eczema. One can also go for the herbal product Coresatin Nonsteroidal Cream Therapy for Inflammatory Skin Conditions that protects the skin.
OnlineHerbs is a reliable online portal to grab medication at affordable prices. It also provides with relevant information on the condition of eczema related to osteoporosis and natural ways to treat it without causing side-effects!

Sunday, 28 December 2014

3 Natural Ways to Combat Dyspepsia and Hyperacidity

Now that festive season is gaining momentum and people going all out for celebrations, most of us now will start noticing upset stomach or some issues with the stomach or digestive system due to overindulgence over tasty party foods which is not good for health by any means!

Here are a few super foods that will relieve you from dyspepsia and hyperacidity. But before we start, take a look at following points about Dos and Don’ts when you have an upset stomach.
  • Avoid vinegar or vinegar-based foods ( Pickles)
  • Avoid spicy foods, potatoes and meat completely
  • Avoid caffeine, smoking or drinking alcohol
  • Clean the ear with cotton regularly
  • Eat only healthy foods that support digestive system

Eat These to Get Relief from Dyspepsia

  • Butter Milk
    • One of the best and simplest ways to get rid of dyspepsia
    • It soothes the digestive system and intestines
    • It is recommended to take it at least 2-3 times a day
    • You can also add cumin seed powder or black pepper powder for more effective results
  • Yogurt
    • It prevent indigestion
    • Consider eating some yogurt on a daily basis as it pacifies your intestines
  • Carrot
    • It helps keep your internal system clean
    • It provides necessary and essential enzymes and minerals
    • It increases the saliva and speeds up the digestion process
    • It is advised to chew at least one carrot per day or you can just have a carrot juice every morning

Eat These to Get Relief from Hyperacidity

  • Banana
    • Banana has a high percentage of potassium and it helps maintain the acid production level in your stomach
    • Also, some particular components in it help grow the mucous production in the stomach which helps defend it from any harmful effects of an excessive acid production
    • Prevents the recurrence of acidity
    • It also has high amounts of fiber which helps speed up your digestion
  • Cold Milk
    • A rich source of calcium which helps prevent the build ups of acids and absorbs the leftover acid produced, thus reducing acidity symptoms
    • Also, as it is cold, it soothes the burning sensation immediately
  • Amla
    • Amla calms cough and it also has high amounts of vitamin C which helps healing esophagus and an injured stomach lining

    Organic Herbal Supplements

    Take some good herbal supplement such as Amalaki from Himalaya which will soothe your stomach acids as well as the digestive system. It pacifies hyperacidity. It is 100%  a natural and herbal formulation with no side-effects.

    However, it is advised to visit your licensed doctor for the prescription of dosage that best suits your health condition. Amalaki Himalaya herbal also cures sore throat and other respiratory issues. It also prevents pre-mature ageing of the skin.

    Start eating all stomach-healthy foods and take Amalaki along with it to get instant relief from digestive issues making your belly fit and healthy.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

How to make protein hair conditioner at home

If you are asked a question – What is hair made up of? Your answer should be – Proteins; the strands start to grow from the follicles in a specified form.  The outer and the middle layer are made up of keratin proteins.  Our hair contains more than 70% of keratin protein and amino acids including carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. 

Hair grows at about 0.5 inches or 1.25 cm per month. In a year, it adds up to 6 inches or 15 cm in case of healthy hair. To keep them healthy, they should be looked after. A healthy scalp often requires protein intake apart from other resources.

They can be used in more than just cooking and baking. Since decades, women have used eggs to get that long, shiny set of hair. They aid in strengthening to roots and adding luster. Typically each egg contains about 3.6 to 6.5 gm of proteins. 

How to prepare egg conditioner at home

  • Take a big bowl, break and place an egg white and the yolk in it. The chord structure might tangle your hair so it is better to remove it before mixing.
  • Add a tablespoon of olive oil in the bowl and mix it with the egg. You can use a fork or a large spoon to make a mixture. 
  • Cover it with a foil or plastic paper until the mixture has settled and is ready.

How to apply

  • Wash your hair gently with a natural shampoo to get rid of natural oils and tangles.
  • Squeeze all excess or dripping water from your head before applying home-made egg conditioner.
  • Apply the mixture all over the head including hair strands and split ends. 
  • Cover your head with a shower cap and let it be on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash it clean once done and use a moisturizing conditioner.

Hence, one of the best ways to maintain your hair’s health, shine and length is a protein-rich egg.  It is also one of the cheapest ways to nourish your hair. In case you are too busy to make one at home, you can try a combo pack from Himalayas – Protein shampoo and conditioner which is equally effective. You can avail this combo pack plus a range of other natural herbal products at Online Herbs

Monday, 24 February 2014

Suffering from Diarrhea-Try Himalaya Diarex

Ask any vacationer whether he had ever experienced a bad stomach or digestive problems during travel, the reply would always be in the affirmative. Most people on vacation end up with a bad stomach at one time or the other.

A layman always uses the term of dysentery and diarrhea without understanding the difference between the two. Diarrhea is often used to describe watery and frequent stools. In dysentery, mucous with bloody stools is generally seen. It occurs because of viral or bacterial infection.

During travel finding a good doctor can prove to be tedious task. Moreover you never can predict the side effects of anti-biotic In such situations, the best thing would be to plan and equip yourself before the onset of the journey; You may wonder how can this be done? It is not at all that difficult. Carry a pack of the natural herbal remedy of Dairen from Himalaya. 

A bottle of Himalaya Herbals if kept handy is extremely helpful during travel. Made using 6 Ayurvedic herbs of Bilva, Dadima, Musta, Shankh, Guduchi and Kutaja, the Himalaya Herbals Diarex is a perfect answer for treating your upset stomach including dysentery and diarrhea.

A single tablet of Diarex Himalaya is enough to cure all intestine related problems including anti-bacterial and anti-viral issues. It prevents the growth of Shigella and Salmonella virus providing relief from bowel related syndrome. Unless treated immediately, diarrhea or dysentery can lead to acute dehydration in the person suffering from the same. Intake of uncooked or half cooked food items and drinking untreated water is found to be mainly responsible for causing diarrhea and dysentery.

In case of any of the below mentioned systems, the best thing would be to consult a doctor without going for self-medication:
  • Diarrhea prolonging more than 3 days.
  • Traces of blood in stool or blackish stools.
  • Any kind of pain in the stomach or rectum.
  • Fever accompanied with fatigue, lack of thirst and less urination.
A simple stool examination will reveal the presence of protozoa organisms such as Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Cycolospora.

Drinking boiled and cold water along with maintaining personal hygiene, eating bland foods, drinking fluids high in electrolytes such as juice of half lemon squeezed in water mixed sugar and salt will help to a great extent in treating diarrhea and dysentery.

Another way is to avoid getting infected in the first place. This can be done by eating in places which are hygienic and drinking purified water. If unfortunately, one does get infected, an early medication with Himalaya Diarex procured easily from the site of online herbs will do the trick.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

How To Overcome Stomach Related Disorder with Gasex

You can be a victim of stomach related disorders when you least desire it. This can range from simple Gaseousness, Flatulence and Indigestion Belching to any other digestive problems.
The stomach discomfort of any kind can totally immobilize your life disrupting even day to day activities.
In such cases, the best way to tackle the same would be by approaching a reliable doctor. But suppose you are travelling or stuck in a new place where you are clue less as to whom to approach. Then a handy bottle of Gasex or Gastric care from Himalaya would do the trick.
Gasex from Himalaya is an excellent herbal remedy formulated using the following herbs.
  • Cowrie bhasma
  • Maricha
  • Prativisha
  • Shankh bhasma
  • Sunthi
  • Triphala
  • Vidanga
Apart from treating normal stomach upsets occurring due to lack of proper chewing this miracle cure of Gastric Care is beneficial even in the cure of Dyspepsia and abdominal belching and flatulence.
The Himalaya Gasex herbals have been found to be excellent for reducing post-operative abdominal discomfort in patients. 

The ingredients of purified conch shell ashes and Cyprian Moneta shells have been in use in Ayurveda since ancient days due to their high mineral content which aid digestion. This forms a main ingredient of Himalaya Gasex. 

The use of Gasex in abdominal X rays as a pre radiography bowel preparation is well known.
Gasex Himalaya is useful for patients who are immobilized due to prolonged illness. 

For people who do not like to go doctor for minor stomach ailments such as constipation, irregular, stool, bloating, the natural herbal remedy of Gastric care from Himalaya is a boon as it works best to cure any form of indigestion. 

This does mean that a person should blindly start treating himself for stomach ailments without approaching a doctor. Regular checkup helps to rule out serious stomach ailments such as cancer or ulcer. In such cases getting treated medically is the right way to deal with the problem.

The herbal treatment of Gasex if kept handy helps to deal with unexpected stomach upsets which spoils valuable working hours and is proved to be equally effective.

This natural herbal remedy of Himalaya Gasex can be easily ordered from Online Herbs, the one stop shop for Ayurvedic medicines. With no side effects and easy to store, this is the perfect remedy for any stomach ailment.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Impotence Causes & Treatment by Himalaya Gokshura

Sexual performance in bed affects the family life and intimacy in relationships. Sexual arousal is a process that starts in the brain, the brain responds to sexual thought, feeling affectionate towards a partner, or the touch of the partner sending signals to all parts of the body, especially the genital area. Erectile Dysfunction arises when a person finds it difficult to develop an erection, even though he is mentally and physically aroused. Thus, these days, erectile Dysfunction is a common problem among young couples.
What is Erectile Dysfunction - Erectile dysfunction is indicated as erection that is lost before or during penetration or lack of nocturnal erection. Let us see the causes and treatments for the same

Erectile Dysfunction Causes

  • Insufficient blood flow to the penis
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Aging
  • Psychological issues
  • Neurological problems like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
  • Mental problems like anxiety, Schizophrenia
  • Habits like drinking and smoking
  • Disorders like hypertension or peripheral vascular disease
Diagnosis – The degree of erectile dysfunction varies from person to person and depends on many physical and psychological factors
Physical examination
– The first thing a doctor does in diagnosing the erectile dysfunction is a physical checkup, he checks the dietary habits and physical health. He also checks the sensitivity of penis towards sex, checks if any injury has affected the penis, causing the dysfunction.
Psychological examination – The doctor tries to find out the factors affecting the patient emotionally, gives advice accordingly.
The doctor undertakes the following tests
  • Duplex ultrasound,
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence
  • Penile biothesiometry
All these tests help the doctor understand the problems of impotence in the patient.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

After a detailed diagnosis of your problems and studying the pattern and degree of erectile dysfunction, your doctor will decide on drugs and will give you a diet chart that you would need to follow.
  • There are many erectile dysfunction drugs available in the market that can be injected directly in penis or taken orally.
  • Your doctor can give psychological consultation to help you overcome problems associated with sex life.
  • Doctor might recommend you a surgical operation of genitals
  • Your doctor might suggest using some devices that can help you improve your sexual performance and overcome erectile dysfunction
If you are the one facing any such problem, Gokshura from Himalaya is a natural herbal cure to treat all these problems. The Gokshura herb also known as Tribulus Terrestris is found in the tropical regions of the world. This Ayurvedic medicine Gokshura benefits people in following ways.
  • Removes kidney stones
  • Treats urine infections
  • Increases testosterone levels
  • Relieve headaches and migraine
Thus you can easily access Himalaya Gokshura herb that is easily available at one of the leading stores OnlineHerbs. This store is a one stop shop for all herbal medicines.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Natural herbal remedy to relieve the symptoms of asthma

Asthma disease and asthma patients are rising in numbers, the cause may be environmental changes, pollution and other underlying medical conditions.

According to recent studies it has been seen that more than 17 million people in the America are affected by asthma and statistics shows that the number is very much higher than that of survey conducted 5 years back.

As the number of asthma people continues to climb, many researchers have found the alternative solution for allopathic drugs that is a natural way to heal asthma.

People prefer to choose healthy and natural remedies to deal with asthma to avoid the side-effects and other worst effects of allopathic drugs. If you are one of those asthma patient who is tired of chemically formulated drugs then check the herbal remedies to deal with asthma.

Peppermint extract: 
It is the well-known folk remedy that works as a homemade vaporizer. Take 1 quart non-chlorinated water and add a few drops of peppermint extract or oil in it and let the solution boil and simmer for an hour, until the water gets vaporized. This volatile oil will help to saturate the room air.

The vitamin B12 in the yogurt helps lessen the asthma symptoms. And people who are sensitive to sulfite, then this yogurt work as a great solution.
Orange juice:
People with asthma are studied to have low levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C from orange juice is a great remedy to deal with asthma, it also possesses strong antioxidant properties.
Omega-3 fatty acid in salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna can alleviate the asthma symptoms. The fatty acid in this helps asthma patients to inhale better through the lungs.

Natural remedies:
Honey and turmeric if taken separately first thing in the morning helps you stay away from the painful bouts of asthma.
Herbal tea mixed with ground ginger along with lime juice works as an effective remedy to control symptoms of asthma.

To treat asthma, ginger works as a great remedy. Cut the ginger and boil it in the water and allow the solution steep for 5 min. Then drink that water. 

Try the above healthy and safe herbal treatments to handle asthma problems and make sure that you have reduced the symptoms of asthma.

Make changes in your diet, avoid oily and spicy food, also make schedules for exercise, maintain normal weight as all these factors affect the asthma problems.

Help yourself lead a healthy life, you can also avail herbal formulation Vasaka from Himalaya from trusted online shop Online Herbs.

One can deal with asthma symptoms with these natural remedies but in case of emergency attacks do not rely on them as they might take several days to provide effect on your body. You can consult a physician to enquire about these remedies and act according to their instructions to be on the safer side.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Have a Healthy Halloween Celebration with Online Herbs’ best Halloween deal on herbal remedies

The most awaited festival, Halloween, is here. Kids and parents have started getting into the spirit of Halloween but you shouldn’t neglect your health during these celebrations. Online Herbs offers you a healthy treat in form of herbal remedies to make your Halloween healthy. Fight the disease devils such as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis or osteoporosis with natural herbal medicines. You can grab the 30% discount on herbal products with onlineherb’s healthy Halloween offer.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Common effects of stress and recovery remedies

Stress symptoms can indeed affect your body, mood, feelings and behavior. If you are able to figure out the symptoms then you will definitely help you to manage them. But if you fail to recognize the symptoms then stress can contribute to health problems, which includes heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and even diabetes.

  • Common effects of stress can be experienced on your body which includes muscle pain, headache, tension and pain, fatigue, chest pain, upset stomach, disturbed sleep and change in sex drive.
  • Effect of stress on your mood includes, restlessness, anxiety, anger or Irritability, lack of concentration, motivation or focus, lack of motivation or focus, sadness or depression.
  • Behavior changes occur in stress includes, angry outbursts, overeating or avoid eating, drug or alcohol abuse, Use of tobacco and social withdrawal.
If you realized that you are going through this painful situation then try the natural remedies which include Meditation, Relaxation techniques and Yoga. Seek the help of experts, or watch the videos and act accordingly.

One can also go for a natural herbal cure for stress one of the popular remedies is Himalaya Ashwagandha. It is a well-known rejuvenative remedy in Ayurvedic Medicines. This natural cure is useful to relieve fatigue, stress and sleeplessness.

Ashwagandha is a great herb which also supports brain functions and works as a powerful aphrodisiac. If you want a quick relief from your stress and related health problems then Online Herbs is a one stop destination to avail herbal products at affordable prices.

Make the necessary lifestyle change such as if you live unplanned, fuzzy lifestyle then it could be a reason behind your stress. Get active choose healthy ways to lead life, eat fresh and nutritious food plan exercise routine at least for half an hour.

Little change in your lifestyle and healthy ways to lead life will solve your stress and memory related problems.