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Showing posts with label herbal cream for skin care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label herbal cream for skin care. Show all posts

Friday, 9 January 2015

Natural Ways to Treat Eczema Associated With Osteoporosis

Eczema is a skin condition that is similar to other skin problems that can cause worse itching. The new study has revealed that eczema is associated with osteoporosis related fractures. The people with eczema are at a higher risk due to the chronic inflammation that occurs in eczema and impact the bone mineral density.
So along with eczema, care should be taken to treat osteoporosis. Those with eczema should be away from water with no long showers, dishwashing and frequent hand washing. One should protect the skin with thick cream and avoid usage of harsh soaps or any lotion you are sensitive to and scratching.

Some Handy Tips for Eczema

  • Soak a cloth in ice-cold milk, lay on the itchy part. Repeat the process for many times a day as required. This helps to calm the itching.
  • For rash, use calamine lotion that helps with itching and drying of the rash. Add to your bath colloidal oatmeal that helps in soothing of the itchy skin.
  • Excessive bathing washes off the protective oils that help to keep the skin moist. Always use lukewarm water for bathing.
  • Use a cream with heavy based moisturizer after the bath to protect the skin against irritants. Solid vegetable shortening or petroleum jelly also works well to protect the skin. Avoid water based or fragrance based lotions.
  • Avoid scratching and cover the itchy part with small bandage to stop you from itching. Wear thin cotton gloves or pair of socks if waking up with scratched skin.

Natural Ways for Treatment of Eczema:

  • Include foods that are rich in essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 that help to reduce the allergic reactions and inflammation. The foods that are rich in this are flaxseed oil, avocados, tuna, walnuts, mackerel and salmon. Drizzle some flaxseed oil in salads, yogurt or other foods.
  • Zinc helps to protect your skin, also include vitamin E and A to help heal the eczema.
  • The gotu kola herb help ease the itchy skin. You can look for the extract or commercial skin with gotu kola.
  • Eat more foods such as fruits, fresh juices, smoothies, vegetables and salads. Take green vegetable juices and include ingredients such as ginger, celery, parsley, cucumber, cilantro and kale.
  • Include dairy free probiotic products in the diet that re-build and support the healthy gut bacteria. One can also include cultured foods such as miso, coconut kefir and sauerkraut.
  • Avoid gluten in the diet from products such as breads, cereals and packaged foods. You can replace them with fruits and vegetables, sprouts, legumes, seeds, whole grains and seaweeds.
  • Caffeine should be avoided as it aggravates the condition of eczema, instead drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Eczema is a skin condition similar to other skin problems that can cause worse itching. The new study has also found that eczema is associated with osteoporosis related fractures. Those with eczema should take special care and follow the natural ways for treating eczema. One can also go for the herbal product Coresatin Nonsteroidal Cream Therapy for Inflammatory Skin Conditions that protects the skin.
OnlineHerbs is a reliable online portal to grab medication at affordable prices. It also provides with relevant information on the condition of eczema related to osteoporosis and natural ways to treat it without causing side-effects!

Monday, 29 September 2014

Secret Home Remedies For Glowing Skin

Hectic schedule, pollution, stressful lifestyle and lack of nutrition can lead to dull and dry skin without any glow. There are many skin care products that are available in the market that helps to give a radiant skin but along with it, one can also try some of the home remedies that also help for healthy and glowing skin. 

Skin care tips, skin care treatment, herbal cream for skin care, how to glow skin, skin problems tips, quality product for fresh skin, herbal product store

Home Remedies For Glowing Skin

Honey and Lemon

Tablespoon of honey and lemon juice when applied on moist face for 15 to 20 minutes gives an instant glow. The honey and lemon works as the natural bleacher and is the best home remedy.


Rub tomato pulp on the face and leave it for 15 minutes and wash. Tomato has natural bleaching properties that help to give an instant glow.

Honey and Papaya

Mixture of papaya pulp and honey when applied on the face for 15 minutes can leave with an instant glow.

Olive Oil

Massaging with few drops of olive oil can help to give a glowing skin. Alternative to olive oil are coconut oil and jojoba oil that can also be used.

Gram Flour, Milk And Lemon Juice

Mixture of gram flour with milk and lemon juice can help to make you glow. This mask can be applied to all skin types.

Fruit Pack

Make a smooth paste of papaya pulp, avocado and cucumber with cream. Apply it all over the face, leave for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. This fruit pack adds a glow to your skin. If having an oily skin, avoid cream and use fuller’s earth instead of it.

Orange Mask

Grind fresh orange peels and make a paste, add rosewater to it and apply on the face for 15 minutes and get an instant glow. 


Rub on the face an unpeeled slice of potato that is soaked in water for some time. It works as a natural bleacher and lightens and brightens the skin.

Some Do’s And Don’ts For A Glowing Skin

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat a healthy diet that can include vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid too much of make-up, it can harm your skin and remove before going to bed.
  • Adequate sleep for at least 8 hours is a must.
  • Avoid smoking
  • Include green tea in your diet
  • Regular exercise and yoga

Healthy and glowing skin is very important as it is the first thing that creates an impression. Everyone is born with a beautiful skin only we have to take proper care of it. There are many home remedies that help in glowing of the skin; you can try some from the above list. 

Along with the home remedies you can also go for Olay Natural White Day Cream SPF 24, which is an herbal product without any side effects that provides healthy and glowing skin.

OnlineHerbs is a safe portal to grab herbal medications at affordable prices. It also provides relevant information on herbal remedies for healthy and glowing skin.