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Monday, 24 February 2014

Suffering from Diarrhea-Try Himalaya Diarex

Ask any vacationer whether he had ever experienced a bad stomach or digestive problems during travel, the reply would always be in the affirmative. Most people on vacation end up with a bad stomach at one time or the other.

A layman always uses the term of dysentery and diarrhea without understanding the difference between the two. Diarrhea is often used to describe watery and frequent stools. In dysentery, mucous with bloody stools is generally seen. It occurs because of viral or bacterial infection.

During travel finding a good doctor can prove to be tedious task. Moreover you never can predict the side effects of anti-biotic In such situations, the best thing would be to plan and equip yourself before the onset of the journey; You may wonder how can this be done? It is not at all that difficult. Carry a pack of the natural herbal remedy of Dairen from Himalaya. 

A bottle of Himalaya Herbals if kept handy is extremely helpful during travel. Made using 6 Ayurvedic herbs of Bilva, Dadima, Musta, Shankh, Guduchi and Kutaja, the Himalaya Herbals Diarex is a perfect answer for treating your upset stomach including dysentery and diarrhea.

A single tablet of Diarex Himalaya is enough to cure all intestine related problems including anti-bacterial and anti-viral issues. It prevents the growth of Shigella and Salmonella virus providing relief from bowel related syndrome. Unless treated immediately, diarrhea or dysentery can lead to acute dehydration in the person suffering from the same. Intake of uncooked or half cooked food items and drinking untreated water is found to be mainly responsible for causing diarrhea and dysentery.

In case of any of the below mentioned systems, the best thing would be to consult a doctor without going for self-medication:
  • Diarrhea prolonging more than 3 days.
  • Traces of blood in stool or blackish stools.
  • Any kind of pain in the stomach or rectum.
  • Fever accompanied with fatigue, lack of thirst and less urination.
A simple stool examination will reveal the presence of protozoa organisms such as Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Cycolospora.

Drinking boiled and cold water along with maintaining personal hygiene, eating bland foods, drinking fluids high in electrolytes such as juice of half lemon squeezed in water mixed sugar and salt will help to a great extent in treating diarrhea and dysentery.

Another way is to avoid getting infected in the first place. This can be done by eating in places which are hygienic and drinking purified water. If unfortunately, one does get infected, an early medication with Himalaya Diarex procured easily from the site of online herbs will do the trick.

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