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Showing posts with label Arjuna from Himalaya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arjuna from Himalaya. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 May 2015

4 Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Heart diseases are killing more men than anything else. According to a study conducted by the American Heart Association, close to 33 million Americans are suffering from heart ailments and more than 430,000 die from it yearly.

However, it must be noted that many of those deaths could be prevented by tweaking our lifestyle.
In the context of the same, let’s go through 5 crucial ways following what, heart could be kept healthy and going strongly for many years.

Give Up Tobacco Completely

Smoking is a huge contributing risk factor of heart disease. There are many compounds found in tobacco that could easily damage the heart gradually and cause narrowing of the blood vessels due to plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries. Thus, kick that butt today itself and your heart would never stop thanking you!

Exercise, Exercise & Exercise

Obesity is another risk factor of many a heart disease and many people are developing heart diseases due to not exercising or indulging in any calorie losing task. Thus, try to exercise even for 10-20 minutes daily without fail if you want your heart to be healthy. If you are unable to hit gym, no issues; you could still dance, walk, climb stairs to burn calories and aid your cardiovascular health.

Eat Healthy

Bid adieu to greasy, cholesterol based and fatty foods a good bye as they are not at all good for your heart health. Go for fiber-rich grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean cuts of meat and poultry and including more fish such as Salmon can help your heart escape heart diseases.

Go For Regular Checkups

Always remember when you are not sure, you must go to a noted doctor. See your cardiologist/physician and get regular checkups such as blood pressure, cholesterol level done and act according to his advice. If you have a history of congenital diseases, you must not shy away from regular check-ups frequently.

Implement these heart healthy methods religiously in your life and keep your heart healthy.
What’s more, you can also opt for an herbal medicine such as Arjuna from Himalaya to not only maintain heart health but even kick out stress and nervousness minus the worries of side-effects.