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Showing posts with label Natural Herbal Remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Herbal Remedies. Show all posts

Friday, 14 March 2014

Boosting Immunity Of The Body The Natural Way.

With the cold and flu season being in full swing, preventative strategies for boosting the body’s immunity becomes mandatory. Even medical practitioners have realized the importance of boosting one’s body’s immunity naturally and have started advising people about the same.

  • Ayurveda and immune system:
  • According to Ayurveda, winter is considered the best among seasons for improving immunity. During winter, the weather changes can bring about an imbalance in the body. Cold, sinus and flu are the commonly prevalent diseases during winter. These infections, if not controlled on time can play havoc with one’s body thus affecting even day to day functioning.

  • Herbs which help fight diseases:
  • Certain herbs are known to not only boost immunity naturally but also address the problem from the root. The herbs such as Guggulu, Guduchi, Manjishtha, Amalaki, Shigru, and Yashti are known to improve the anti-body cells in the body thus helping to fight the upper and lower body respiratory infections.

  • Natural herbal remedy of Septilin:
  • Septilin from Himalaya is an excellent herbal remedy prepared using all the above mentioned herbs which aids in treating diseases such as Asthma, bronchitis, tonsillitis. It is even considered excellent to treat various eye, dental and urinary tract infections.

  • Minerals and Vitamins for boosting immunity:

  • A healthy lifestyle consisting of good diet, regular exercise will help in building the immunity level of the body. A healthy diet consists of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Vitamins such as A, C, E and minerals such as Zinc, cooper, selenium, iron and other B vitamins help to have a strong immune system.
    Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as cold water fish and other immune boosting foods such as cocoa, garlic and green leafy vegetables also help to a great extent for boosting immunity. Even broccoli, brown rice and olive oil are known to be powerful health enhancer.

    Foods that help fight diseases

    • Consuming foods such as Guava known to be rich in vitamin C will be an added advantage to boost the while blood cells thus aiding them to fight various infectious diseases. Eating fruits and vegetables in the natural state will provide the maximum benefit rather than cooking and eating them.
    • Drinking lots of water also aids in improving the body’s immunity system. Consuming green tea helps in killing the virus of influenza.
    • Having curd everyday helps to increase the good bacteria in the gut which help fight intestinal infections, improve the digestive functioning and boosts the body’s immune level.

    Sleep and Immune system:

    Sleep and Immune system:

    Last but not the least. Getting enough sleep also is one way of improving the body’s immunity .Sleep helps release the compounds responsible for improving the body’s immune system. 

    Having good health is considered as wealth. Body’s natural defense mechanism helps us to fight disease naturally. But an immune system which has lost its ability to fight diseases will provide an open invitation to bacteria and virus. This in turn will be responsible for the destruction of health. Without good health, one cannot dream of having wealth and various other comforts. 

    Wake up and take steps to boost your immune system with the consumption of Immunocare Himalaya herbals.( )

    Friday, 30 March 2012

    Cheapest Avesta Ayurceutics Tribulus Online-Natural Herbal Medicine for Healthy Reproductive Health and Libido

    What is Tribulus herb?

    A flowering plant, tribulus terrestries is normally native to warm climates in tropical regions of southern Europe, southern Asia and throughout Africa as well as Australia. It grows well even in desert climates as well as poor soil conditions. Local names of tribulus may include devil’s weed, devil’s thorn, caltrop, cat’s head, bindii, bullhead, tackweed etc. Since time immemorial this has been used as a natural herbal medicine in Ayurveda and is known as a aphrodisiac, diuretic and nervine. Avesta Ayurceutics Tribulus from Avesta Herbals is an ayurvedic formulation which contains tribulus as its main ingredient and is very beneficial for reproductive health.

    How Avesta Ayurceutics Tribulus regularizes sexual dysfunction?

    Tribulus helps in boosting stamina for sexual functions. It improves sperm count as well as penile erection. This particular herb is known for enhancing energy, vitality, and also helps in the built up of muscles and strength along with high blood pressure and rib pain. It can improve male sexuality as well as increase testosterone level and in women it is very helpful in premenstrual syndrome and menopausal syndrome. Apart from all these, Tribulus is known as an effective health tonic as well as an urogenital tonic along with great hormone balancing effect.

    Benefits of using Avesta Ayurceutics Tribulus

    • Is a natural herbal remedy for fertility and reproductive health
    • Can rejuvenate genitourinary tract health
    • Boosts stamina
    • Helps in the build up of muscles and strength
    • Enhances energy and vitality
    • Improves sperm count
    • Effectively treats high blood pressure and rib pain
    • Treats kidney stone, dysuria, impotence and kidney dysfunction
    Though, no side effects have been reported with the use of Avesta Ayurceutics Tribulus, yet it should not be taken by people suffering from dehydration. Also those who are suffering from testosterone or estrogen-increasing medication should also avoid it.

    Tuesday, 27 March 2012

    Cheapest Lasuna from Himalaya Online– Natural Herbal Cure for Cough and Stomach Cancer

    Treat throat infections and avoid stomach cancer using Lasuna from Himalaya

    Throat Infection:

    Is common in childhood it includes
    Viral infection: This being the most common type of throat infection is associated with high fever.

    Strep throat: Strep throat is nothing but the pharynx getting infected and it happens due to the streptococcus bacteria.

    Get more tips and related products to get rid of your problem through, they provide natural herbal cure for Throat Infection.

    Stomach Cancer:

    Causes due to Infection by Helicobacter pylori, and are believed to be the cause of most stomach cancers while autoimmune atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia and various genetic factors are associated with increased risk levels. is an online herb store that will resolve your worries by providing natural herbal cure for Throat Infection and Stomach Cancer through their best herbal products known as Lasuna from Himalaya.

    Lasuna from Himalaya

    • Garlic or Lasuna from Himalaya Herbals such is a common medicinal herb.
    • Garlic has Antibiotic and Antiviral properties.
    • Lasuna Himalaya contains garlic which reduces the risk of colon stomach and colon cancer.
    • According to research Lasuna, reduces the risk of esophageal and stomach cancer.
    • Garlic is an effective herbal medicine to treat coughs and other throat irritations.
    Lasuna from Himalaya doesn’t show any major side effects in medical journals, it is also derived as the best Herbal Remedy to control Blood Cholesterol & Triglycerides. The product is recommended only at the age of 14 years and above.

    Know in detail about the fact related Lusana from Himalaya and related information by clicking below links: and

    Wednesday, 21 March 2012

    Cheapest Avesta Ayurceutics Mangosteen Online–Vitamin C rich Natural Herbal Remedy for Good Health

    Antioxidants – Get rid of bad cholesterol naturally

    What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy substance which is very necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Cholesterol is produced by the liver, which your body uses to protect nerves, produce certain hormones and develop cell tissues. Your body also gets cholesterol from the food you eat such as eggs, meat, milk, curd etc. Too much cholesterol can have negative impacts on your health. The cholesterol level  in a human blood can vary from 3.6 mmol/liter to 7.8 mmol/liter.

    High cholesterol is a common problem in men and women nowadays. High cholesterol levels can cause several dangerous diseases such as:
    • Atherosclerosis - narrowing of the arteries.
    • Heart attack - occurs when the supply of blood and oxygen to an area of heart muscle is blocked, usually by a clot in a coronary artery. This causes your heart muscle to die.
    • Angina - chest pain.
    • Stroke and mini - stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery or vein, interrupting the flow to an area of the brain. Can also occur when a blood vessel breaks. Brain cells begin to die.
    The best natural remedy for high cholesterol is intake of antioxidant. Some most commonly anti-oxidants are as follows:-
    • Vitamin C - The best anti-oxidant to defense against heart disease is vitamin C. Try to get it 1,000 to 4,000 milligrams a day to reduce the oxidation of LDL and prevent heart disease. Citrus fruits like oranges and lime etc., green peppers, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, strawberries and tomatoes.
    • Vitamin E - It is as powerful as vitamin C. The ideal dose of this antioxidant helps to prevent cholesterol from oxidizing. Try using vitamin E supplements that are natural, and not artificial. You can get it from Nuts & seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil and liver oil.
    • Vitamin A and Carotenoids-you can get it from Carrots, squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kale, collards, cantaloupe, peaches and apricots.
    • Selenium-Fish & shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken and garlic.

    Avesta Ayurceutics Mangosteen - Herbal Antioxidant

    Mangosteen from Avesta is a Superior Antioxidant. Mangosteen maintains the normal level of cholesterol in our body. It also decreases the process of getting older also keeps the skin illnesses at bay by dealing with against attacks.


    • Use Avasta Ayurceutics Mangosteen two or three times a day as dietary supplement.
    • Should not be taken by children under 12 years.
    • Should not be taken by pregnant ladies.

    About Onlineherbs:

    OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

    Avesta Ayurceutics Mangosteen preserves the cholesterol levels and promotes development of red blood tissues.

    Thursday, 15 March 2012

    Cheapest Avesta Ayurceutics Shatavari Online-Natural Herbal Remedies for Female Reproductive Health

    Avesta Ayurceutics Shatavari–The Queen of Herbs

    Shatavari means “one who possesses 100 husbands” in Sanskrit, which is symbolic of its pranashakti or abundant supply of life energy and the belief that it imparts young and beautiful to the user.

    Shatavari is the main building tonic for women .This relative of vegetable asparagus in particularly rejuvenating to the female reproductive tract and the blood and to build the body.

    Shatavari has tonic and rejuvenating effects on the reproductive system, helping to generate healthy reproductive fluid and  blood, soothe reproductive organs and regulates the period. It also acts as an aphrodisiac and increase fertility.

    This herb balances female hormones, making it valuable in treating menopausal complaints such as vaginal atrophy.

    Dosage of Avesta herbal–for women's health:

    Lifetime as tonic...

    One capsule, twice a day or as directed by your physician.

    Benefits of Vestal Ayurceutics Shatavari:

    • Avesta Shatavari is used to strengthen the immune system.
    • It increases breast milk.
    • It is a good remedy for vaginal discharge like licorice and uterine disorders such as excessive bleeding sexual secretions and as an aphrodisiac.
    • It is useful in colic.
    • It is used as an effective moisturizer for the membrane of the lungs, digestive tract, and like other asparagus species, the kidneys and urinary tract.
    • It promotes Lactation
    • It has Aphrodisiac effect
    • This herbal product acts as an Phyto-estrogenic herb for women
    • It supports overall mental and physical health
    • It also prevents premature aging

    Shatavari Facts:

    Scientific Name: Asparagus Racemosus

    Common Name: Shatavari

    Family: Liliaceae

    Part Used : root

    Temperature: Cooling

    Tastes: Sweet bitter

    Tissue: Work on all Tissue

    Actions: Tonic (general, reproductive) nutritive, rejuvenative, antacid, demulcent

    Uses: Debility of female organs, infertility, sexual debility, impotence, menopause, ulcers, hyperacidity, dehydration, lung abscess, cough, cancer, herpes, leukorrhea, chronic fevers.

    Source Of Natural Herb Shatavari:

    Biological Source:

    Shatavari consists of dried roots and the leaves of the plant known as asparagus Racemosus wild.

    Geographical Source:

    Shatavari is native to tropical and subtropical regions of  Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Africa, and Northern Australia. In India it is found in the Himalayas up to an altitude of 1300 to 1400 m and all

    Tropical parts of India. Shatavari occur as a wild plant in dry and deciduous forests of Maharashtra.

    • Shatavari is contraindicated for women who have massive fibrocystic breasts.
    • Use of Shatavari during pregnancy is still a disputed subject. So this herb is not recommended for such women.
    •  Women with kidney disorders or heart diseases must avoid this herb.

    About Onlineherbs:

    OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

    Avesta Ayurceutics Shatavari acts as a herbal female rejuvenating tonic that supports complete women health, regulate hormonal balance and menopause pain.

    Friday, 2 March 2012

    Cheapest Under Eye Cream Himalaya Online–Natural Herbal Cures for Dark Eye Circles and Blemishes

    Dark Circles and Herbal Himalaya Under Eye Cream

    Himalaya's Under Eye Cream is a herbal cosmeceutical that has a US patent pending formula. It is best known herbal remedy to get rid of dark circles and eye wrinkles. As a herbal cosmeceutical, the Under Eye Cream combines advanced science with cosmetic technology to considerably enhance product efficacy. A well-researched, clinically proven product, Himalaya’s Under Eye Cream contains a proven and safe blend of US patent pending herb actives, specially created to care for the delicate area around the eyes and prevent the formation of under eye dark circles. Dark Circles are caused by no. of reasons like sun exposure, stress and depression, hyper pigmentation, lack of sleep and nutrient deficiency.

    Himalaya Under Eye Cream - Natural Herbal Medicines that clears under eye circles, pigmentation and blemishes

    These herbal actives work by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase that is responsible for skin darkening, thereby reducing under eye dark circles. Further, these actives restore dermal hydration and build collagen and elastin fibers that are responsible for the firmness of the skin. The antioxidant benefit of this herbal combination further prevents the destruction of skin cells by deactivating free radicals


    Following are the list of herbal ingredients promotes the lightening of skin under the eyes,
    • Cipadessa baccifera – It acts as a moisturizer and nourishes the skin under the eye. The soothing properties of Cipadessa baccifera reduce the dark circles and avoid further damage to area under eyes from sunlight.
    • Bergenia ligulata - It has similar actions as that of Cipadessa baccifera. By lightening the skin under the eyes, it helps to remove the dark circles and eye wrinkles.
    • Triticum vulgare – its skin nourishing properties help to get over the eye wrinkles and fine lines. Triticum vulgare detoxifies and intensely nourishes the under eye skin.
    How to use:

    Gently massage into the delicate area beneath the eyes after thorough cleansing. Use it once a day before going to bed.

    Benefits of Under Eye Cream from Himalaya:

    • Himalaya Under Eye Cream clears under eye dark circles.
    • This herbal formulation is also helpful in case of pigmentation and eye blemishes.
    • Regular use of Under Eye Cream from Himalaya brightens, smoothens the areas around your eyes.
    • It reduces dark circles by 80% in just 4 weeks.
    • It is best known to reduce under eye wrinkles, fine lines by 28% in just 4 weeks.
    • Himalaya Under Eye Cream effective herbal remedy that smoothes and brightens the area under the eye.

    About Onlineherbs:

    OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

    Under Eye Cream from Himalaya is herbal cosmetic that reduces eye dark circles, pigmentation and eye wrinkles.

    Thursday, 23 February 2012

    Cheapest Anti-Wrinkle Cream Himalaya Online-Natural Herbal Remedies for Skin Care and Early Aging

    Himalaya Anti-Wrinkle Cream


    Anti-Wrinkle Herbal Cream from Himalaya is a Pure Herbal Ayurvedic formulation made up on no. of herbal ingredients. Himalaya Anti-Wrinkle Herbal Cream helps in delaying wrinkles and smoothes fine lines. This herbal formulation is enriched with Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), skin nutrients and Vitamin E. So that regular use of the same prevents oxidative skin damage, skin laxity and appearance of wrinkles.

    Anti-Wrinkle Cream from Himalaya - Natural Herbal Remedy that helps in Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots


    Himalaya Anti-Wrinkle Herbal Cream anti-oxidant rich cream contains Aloe Vera, Grape and Tomato that are rich in Natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), skin nutrients and Vitamin E along with Vetiver and Turmeric that contain natural antioxidants. Regular use Himalaya Anti-Wrinkle Herbal Cream prevents skin damages from free radicals, reduces the visibility of existing wrinkles and delays the appearance of new ones.
    Anti-Wrinkle Cream moisturizer based cosmeceutical herbal products makes one looking younger by reducing expression line, blemishes, pigmentation changes and environmental related Skin conditions naturally.

    • Wrinkles, age spots and fine lines
    • Signs of early aging
    Pack Size Anti-Wrinkle Cream is available in pack sizes of 25gm and 50gm.

    Key Ingredients of Anti-Wrinkle Cream:

    • Aloe Vera (Barbados Aloe, Kumari) – It helps to stimulate the skin cell growth and repair damaged tissues. Being rich source of Vitamin E and C, it helps in removing the wrinkle’s and age spots.
    • Papaver Rhoeas (Red Poppy, Rakta-posta) – It has Antibiotic, Emollient and Smoothing action that nourishes skin tissues and helps to make skin healthy.
    • Vitis Vinifera (Grapes, Draksha) – Grapes bears Regenerative, Restructuring, Moisturizing, Notifying and skin supportive properties that improves skin tissue health, prevents moisture loss, promotes soft and glowing appearance of skin.
    • Citrus Limon (Lemon, Nimbaka) – Use of Lemon juice for skin care is very beneficial as regular use of it lightens and cleanses the skin throughout, it also feds the age spots and freckles.
    • Solanum Lycopersicum (Tomato, Raktamaci) – Tomato is one of the best herbal remedy for Skin care. It can be used in the treatment acne, skin rashes, sunburns, discoloration, wide skin pores and dry skin. Due to rich source of Vitamin A, E and B fights with different skin disorders and wrinkles as well.
    • Santalum Album (Sandalwood Tree, Chandana) – Sandalwood is a skin care herb that provides relief from skin scrapes, rashes, acne, skin irritation. Regular use of it helps to remove wrinkles, age spots and sign of early aging.
    Direction to Use:
    • Massage gently over cleansed face twice a day
    • Use regularly for best results
    • Suitable for all skin types

    About Onlineherbs:


    OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

    Anti-Wrinkle Cream from Himalaya is 100% herbal formulation that delays wrinkles, age spots and sign of early aging.

    Tuesday, 14 February 2012

    Cheapest SleepTea Himalaya Online–Natural Herbal Remedies for Stress and Sleeping Disorders

    What is Sleep Tea from Himalaya?


    Sleep Tea from Himalaya is an herbal formulation, a perfect herbal treatment for insomnia and anxiety neurosis. It is an effective unique combination of natural herbs that helps in falling asleep. Sleep Tea is very refreshing and activates all the senses, and channelizes energy. Sleep Tea makes you sleep like a child and allows you to wake up energetic and completely fresh.

    Sleep Tea from Himalaya is a natural herbal remedy for Insomnia, Anxiety, Stress and Restlessness


    The ingredients in Sleep Tea have a mild sedative action, which makes you fall sleep and acts as a relaxant. The calming property of Sleep Tea helps in sleep disturbances. Sleep Tea from Himalaya has calming properties useful in sleep turbulence, it contains Tagara Indian Velerian which has relaxing activity, and acts as a natural herbal remedy for insomnia and Anxiety. Celestrus paniculatus (Intellect tree, Jyotishmati is known to encompass a mild sedative action. Centella Asiatic also known as gotu kola or Mandukaparni contained in Sleep Tea from Himalaya possesses sedative and anti-depressant movement.

    Natural Herbs Contained in Himalaya Herbal Sleep Tea & their uses:


    • Valeriana wallichi (Indian valerian, Tagara) – has powerful sedative activity helpful in insomnia. Tagara or Indian Valerian is prescribed as a remedy for sleep disorders, hysteria, hypochondria, nervous unrest and emotional troubles. It is also used as a carminative and forms an ingredient of a number of ayurvedic recipes. Tagara cures anxiety, nervousness and mental strain. Tagara improves Concentration.
    • Celestrus paniculatus ( Intellect tree, Jyotishmati) – possesses mild sedative action, and has calming properties, which are useful in sleep disturbances.
    • Centella asiatica (Gotu-kola, Mandukaparni) – shows anti-anxiety and anti-depressant movement. Gotu Kola is a nerve tonic and a brain food that both increases mental activity, while also acting as a mild tranquilizer. It improves blood circulation in the brain, which is an energy enhancer of those cells and when used proactively can help avoid and treat a nervous breakdown. Gotu Kola is also useful in the treatment of anxiety, epilepsy, schizophrenia and loss of memory.

       Benefits of Himalaya Sleep Tea:


      • Sleep Tea natural remedy to treat insomnia and anxiety
      • Sleep Tea helps to relax body and mind
      • Sleep Tea activates all senses and channelizes energies
      • Sleep Tea effectively removes stress
      • Sleep Tea also helps to calm down

        Directions to Use Sleep Tea from Himalaya


        A cup of Sleep Tea once or twice daily or as required. Dip the tea bag in a cup of cold or hot water for 3 minutes. Add honey/sugar, if desired.

        About Onlineherbs:


        OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

        SleepTea from Himalaya is an herbal formulation, a perfect herbal treatment for insomnia and anxiety neurosis.

        Monday, 6 February 2012

        Cheapest Acne-n-Pimple Cream Himalaya Online–Natural Herbal Remedies for Herbal Pimple and Skincare

        What is Acne-n-Pimple Cream from Himalaya?


        Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Cream treats pimples and skin eruptions, keeping skin soft and smooth. It has excellent astringent, styptic and cooling properties perfectly suited for treating acne. Unlike chemical based anti-acne creams, which leave behind pimple marks and make the skin rough, the Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple herbal cream removes pimples in six days without leaving any scars and keeps the skin soft and supple.
        Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Herbal Cream removes pimples without leaving any marks. It also keeps the skin soft and smooth.

        Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Cream – the best Natural Herbal Acne Treatment


        Himalaya Acne-N-Pimple Cream is a poly-herbal formulation recommended for the management of acne vulgaris and it contains the powders of Lenus culinaris and Alum, with extracts of Salmalia malabarica, Vitex negundo and Aloe barbadensis. Below are the benefits of the ingredients present in Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Cream.
        • Lentil Lenus culinaris Masura Lentil: Its astringent, cooling and anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing inflammation in acne.
        • Shalmali Silk Cotton Tree: It is astringent and cooling. It is also styptic and anti-inflammatory. Hence is beneficial in acne & skin eruptions.
        • Alum: It is known as a good astringent, styptic and antiseptic. It is beneficial in superficial infections, prickly heat, acne & ulcers.
        • Kumari Barbados Aloe: It possesses emollient, astringent, cooling and healing properties and is widely used in various creams, lotions and shampoos. It is beneficial in various skin disorders such as acne, sunburns, bruises, dermatitis, etc.
        • Nirgundi Five-Leaved Chaste Tree: It has astringent and anti-inflammatory actions beneficial in skin disorder.
        The excellent results obtained are due to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiandrogenic and antimicrobial properties of the ingredients of “Acne-N-Pimple Cream” Therefore, “Acne-N-Pimple Cream” is considered as clinically effective and safe in the management of acne vulgaris.

        Natural Herbs Contained in Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Cream:

        • Lentil Lenus culinaris (Masura)
        • Silk Cotton Tree (Salmalia malabarica Syn. Bombax ceiba, Shalmali)
        • Alum (Saurashtri)
        • Barbados Aloe (Aloe vera, Kumari)
        • Five-leaved Chaste Tree (Vitex negundo, Nirgundi)

        Benefits of Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Cream:

        • Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Cream is safe and effective herbal remedy for Acne and pimples.
        • It is useful to Keeps skin soft and smooth.
        • Himalaya Acne-n-pimple Cream has Astringent, styptic and cooling properties.
        • It helps to prevent further skin eruptions, gives smooth acne free skin.
        • It is useful to reduce skin inflammation and also prevents future breakouts.

        Directions to use Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Cream:

        • Wash or clean face thoroughly.
        • Take a small quantity of Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple cream.
        • Apply over the affected areas, twice daily.

        About Onlineherbs:


        OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

        Himalaya Acne-n-Pimple Herbal Cream removes acne and pimples without leaving any marks. It also keeps the skin soft and smooth.

        Thursday, 2 February 2012

        Cheapest Dental Cream Himalaya Online–Dental Care Natural Herbal Remedies Cure Gum Diseases

        What is Dental Cream from Himalaya?

        Dental Cream from Himalaya is particularly formulated toothpaste that tightens swollen gums, stops gum bleeding, prevents toothache, decay and refreshes bad breath. The herbal formulation of Himalaya Dental Ointment is best suited for dental anxiety. This herbal toothpaste contains herbs mentioned in Ayurvedic texts for their key benefits. It was specially formulated for adult teeth.

        Himalaya Dental Cream – Herbal Toothpaste – obtain Optimum Oral health

        A Himalaya Dental toiletry promotes ruddy gums, sound teeth and unprocessed rest. It helps palliate occasional disconcert related with structure and gum abscesses, helps prevent irregular harm of gums and has a soothing cause on susceptible gums. Helps relieve occasional pain and occasional bleeding of gums.

        Ayurvedic Medicines Contained in Himalaya Dental Cream and their benefits:
        • Bishops Weed (Carum copticum): Bishops weed or Ajwain is best herbal cure for Toothaches. Ajwain has many herbal benefits as it acts as an effective laxative, appetizer, stomachic, and anthelmintic.
        • Vaikranta bhasma (Fluorspar): Vaikranta Bhasma is a bhasma in Ayurveda. It is prescribed for oral care and is obtained from a combination of lime and fluorine.
        • Azadirachta indica (Neem, Nimba): Neem possesses antiseptic and antifungal activity and is widely used in the preparation of toothpaste.
        • Zanthoxylum alatum (Toothache Tree, Tumburu): is an herbal cure for bleeding gums and sensitive teeth.
        • Punica granatum (Pomegranate, Dadima) : exhibits astringent and antibacterial activity thus prevents gum infections
        • Acacia arabica (Indian Gum-Arabic Tree, Babbula): is useful as an external application for mouth ulcers.
        • Triphala (Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia bellirica): Triphala is astringent, which arrests bleeding of gums. It also helps in the healing of ulcers
        • Vitex negundo (Five-Leaved Chaste Tree, Nirgundi): shows analgesic properties, herbal cure for tooth aches.
        • Embelia ribes (False Black Pepper, Vidanga): displays antibacterial activity and possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
         Benefits of Himalaya Dental Cream as Ayurvedic toothpaste:
        • Himalaya Herbal Toothpaste is indicated in inflammatory dental conditions, Periodontitis, Gingivitis, Dental Plaque, Halitosis and overall Dental health.
        • Himalaya Herbal toothpaste supports the body’s natural immune system that promotes oral care.
        • Himalaya Herbal toothpaste also promotes bone and tissue structures of the teeth.
        • Himalaya Herbal toothpaste is beneficial for gum tissue and all-round oral health care.
        • Himalaya Herbal toothpaste possess anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
        • Himalaya Herbal toothpaste is the best herbal Toothpaste for Bleeding Gums and tooth aches.
        About Onlineherbs:

        OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

        Dental Cream Himalaya is herbal toothpaste for dental anxiety, a complete oral care useful in case of toothache, bleeding gums, plaque and bad breath.

        Tuesday, 31 January 2012

        Cheapest Diabecon Himalaya Online - Natural Herbal Remedies to treat Diabetes and High Blood Sugar

        What is Diabecon from Himalaya?


        Diabecon from Himalaya is an effective herbal medicine to maintain normal blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is a composition of 30 herbs and minerals that provide great control over glycemic level. Diabecon helps in proper functioning of pancreas and promotes beta cell regeneration; the main function of the pancreas is to produce insulin in just the right amount to maintain constant glucose levels in the body. Beta cells in the pancreas are responsible for producing insulin, thus Diabecon, by maintaining proper pancreatic functions, helps in controlling Diabetes. Diabecon exerts an insulin-like action, thus minimizes the, long term diabetic complications. Diabecon Himalaya is also helpful in maintaining healthy triglyceride levels.

        Himalaya Diabecon – the Natural Herbal Remedy for Type-2 Diabetes / Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus


        Diabecon from Himalaya helps to treat Diabetes Mellitus type 2 also known as Non-insulin-dependent mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes, which is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood glucose in the context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. Diabecon tablets are useful for NIDDIM with signs and symptoms of hyperlipidemia, with early retinopathy, micro- albuminuria, also as an adjuvant in type 1 diabetes mellitus.

        Natural Herbs Contained in Himalaya Diabecon:

        • Meshashringi (Gymnema sylvestre) (30mg),
        • itasara (Pterocarpus marsupium) (20mg)
        • Yashti-madhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (20mg)
        • Saptarangi (Casearia esculenta) (20mg)
        • Jambu (Eugenia jambolana Syn. Syzygium cumini) (20mg)
        • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) (20mg)
        • Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) (20mg)
        • Mundatika (Sphaeranthus indicus) (10mg)
        • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) (10mg)
        • Kairata (Swertia chirata Syn. S.chirayita) (10mg)
        • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) (10mg)
        • Bhumyaamlaki (Phyllanthus amarus) (10mg)
        • Gumbhari (Gmelina arborea) (10mg)
        • Karpasi (Gossypium herbaceum) (10mg)
        • Daru haridra (Berberis aristata) (5mg)
        • Kumari (Aloe Vera Syn. A.barbadensis) (5mg)
        • Triphala 3mg
        • Sushavi (Momordica charantia) (20mg)
        • Maricha (Piper nigrum) (10mg)
        • Vishnu priya (Ocimum sanctum Syn. O.tenuiflorum) (10mg)
        • Atibala (Abutilon indicum) (10mg)
        • Haridra (Curcuma longa) (10mg)
        • Jungli palak (Rumex maritimus) (5mg)
        • Vidangadi lauham (27mg)
        • Vang bhasma (5mg)
        • Abhrak bhasma (10mg)
        • Praval bhasma (10mg)
        • Akik pishti (5mg)
        • Shingraf (5mg)
        • Yashad bhasma (5mg)
        • Trikatu (5mg)

          Benefits of Himalaya Diabecon as Natural Herbal Remedy for Diabetes and other health issues:


          • Diabecon from Himalaya is an natural herbal remedy to treat Diabetes Mellitus type 2 also known as Non-insulin-dependent mellitus (NIDDM).
          • Diabecon from Himalaya helps to maintain normal blood sugar & cholesterol levels.
          • Diabecon from Himalaya supports healthy pancreas.
          • Diabecon from Himalaya reduces oxidative stress.
          • Diabecon from Himalaya protects eye lens.
          • Diabecon from Himalaya promotes glucose utilization.
          • Diabecon also acts as an adjuvant in type 1 diabetes mellitus.

            About Onlineherbs:


            OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

            Diabecon from Himalaya is a herbal medicine that supports pancreatic health apart from maintaining normal blood sugar and cholesterol level.

            Monday, 16 January 2012

            Cheapest Vrikshamla from Himalaya Online–Natural Herbal Remedies for Cardiac & Stomach Problems

            Vrikshamla Herb

            Vrikshamla or Garcinia Cambogia is also known as Garcinia Indica, which belongs to the family Clusiaceae. It is found mostly in konkan and Western Ghats of Southern India and Southeast Asia. Vrikshamla fruit is yellow, oval shaped small pumpkins, used for preparing cooling syrups during the summer months. The extract of this medicinal fruits helps in maintaining normal cholesterol levels and in keeping weight under control. If used along with kokum, it acts as antiscorbutic and has various medicinal benefits useful in Vata and Kapha doshas.

            Vrikshamla Himalaya herbal medicine and health benefits

            'Vrikshamla' is the herbal medicine that supports normal levels of cholesterol in the body, considered as heart tonic, supports and maintain healthy heart. Studies have shown its usefulness in gastric ulcers and hepato protective action against external toxins including alcohol.

            Vrikshamla from Himalaya used in the treatment of rheumatism, constipation and stomach related disorders. It is helpful to deal with different skin disorders and heals wounds. Recent studies have shown its importance in blood purification and to get rid of dehydration. Vrikshamla from Himalaya herbals is best known as cardio tonic. Vrikshamla effectively treats dysentery, tumors, pain, and heart disorders. Vrikshamla helps in weight management. The root of the Vrikshamla has astringent properties. Garcinia is a rich source of Vitamin C and is used as heart tonic. Vrikshamla acts as summer syrup as it has cooling effect. Vrikshamla form Himalaya by regulating the appetite helps one to control the obesity and related issues. The constituent named Hydroxycitric Acid is responsible for appetite suppression and weight loss.


            It is advised to take one capsule twice a day after meals.

            Note: It is recommended only at the age of 14 years and above.
            (Since the product is in capsule form, some children below 14 years may have difficulty to swallow.)

            Side Effects:

            No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

            Herbal Benefits of Vrikshamla Himalaya:
            • Vrikshamla from Himalaya is natural remedy to control cholesterol levels in the body.
            • Himalaya Vrikshamla effectively helps in reducing body weight.
            • Vrikshamla herbal medicine is a very good cardio tonic, it takes care of hear complaints.
            • Vrikshamla herb has anti-astringent properties.
            • Herbal Himalaya Vrikshamla is a rich source of vitamin C.
            • Vrikshamla acts as summer syrup for its cooling effect thus beneficial in fever and reduces burning sensation of body.
            • Vrikshamla herb has hydroxyl citric acid which is a very good anti-obesity agent, useful in weight management.
            About Onlineherbs:

            OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

            Vrikshamla from Himalaya is herbal extract acts as heart tonic by maintain the normal level of cholesterol in the body.

            Monday, 9 January 2012

            Cheapest Avesta Ayurceutics Gymnema Online- Natural Herbal Remedies for Healthy Pancreas & Liver

            What is Gymnema from Avesta?


            Gymnema from Avesta is known as Gymnema Sylvestre scientifically and Meshashringi herb in Sanskrit. The other name ‘gumar’ for Gymnema literally means ‘the sugar destroyer’, which is the primary use of Gymnema. The Ayurvedic Practitioners believe chewing of Gymnema leaves prevents the tongue’s ability to taste sweet foods; at the same time suppresses glucose absorption from the intestine, thereby controlling the sugar levels in the blood. Gymnema herb has anti-allergic, anti-viral and lipid lowering activity. It is used to treat the diabetes, as it said that few chemicals from Gymnema Sylvestre reduce the sugar present in stomach for absorption, it also improves the insulin level and restrict the excess dietary fat absorption.

            Gymnema from Avesta - Natural herbal remedy to maintain normal sugar levels and healthy function of Pancreas


            Gymnema from Avesta helps in removing sugar from pancreas, thereby restoring normal pancreatic functions. Here the component naming Gymnemic acid having hypoglycemic effect that raise the insulin level and lowers the blood sugar to treat thediabetes mellitus. Gymnema is also useful in treating swollen glands, cough and fever. Gymnema Sylvestre herbal curesignificantly reduces the metabolic effects of sugar by preventing the intestines from absorbing the sugar molecules during the process of digestion. Due to the change in the absorption of sugar, a consequent change in the blood sugar level is observed. It is used from long time in the treatment of water retention, stomach problems and constipation. Recent studies have proven the benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre herb in weight loss and breast cancer, bears radio-protective activity.



            It is advised to take one capsule, twice a day or as directed by your physician.

            Gymnema from Avesta is not for use by individuals with low blood sugar. Individuals taking oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin may need to adjust their dosages. Not for use during pregnancy. If nursing or taking any prescription drugs, seek the advice of a health professional before using this product. Keep out of reach of children.

            Side Effects:

            No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

            Benefits of Gymnema from Avesta:

            • Gymnema from Avesta Ayurceutics is a natural remedy to treat diabetes mellitus.
            • Avesta Ayurceutics Gymnema herbal cure maintains healthy pancreatic functions and improves functioning.
            • Avesta Gymnema is very useful in treating swollen gland.
            • Gymnema Avesta is effective in conditions like Cough and Fever due to its antiviral properties.
            • Gymnema from Avesta Ayurceutics helps to maintains normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
            • Avesta Gymnema also supports healthy liver function.
            • The sugar destroying property of Gymnema also helps to lose weight.

              About Onlineherbs:


              OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

              Gymnema from Avesta also known as Gymnema Sylvestre helps to maintain normal blood sugar level and promotes healthy function of pancreas.

              Monday, 2 January 2012

              Cheapest Ashwagandha Himalaya Online–Natural Herbal Remedies for Fatigue and Constipation

              What is Ashwagandha Herbs?

              Withania Somnifera a scientific name for Ashwagandha has travelled a long history in Ayurveda of about 4000 years. It has different names in different languages that are Indian ginseng, Winter cherry, Ajagandha, Kanaje Hindi, Amukkara (Tamil); Samm Al Ferakh Withania coagulans (Dunal) (Paneer dodi, Ashutosh booti) is a related species.

              'Ashwagandha' herb is the most well-known rejuvenative herb in Ayurvedic Medicines. It is commonly known as the 'Indian Ginseng'. Ashwagandha herb is useful to relieve stress, fatigue and sleeplessness.

              Ashwagandha or Withania Somnifera - Natural Herbal Remedy Used in Stress, Fatigue, Sleeplessness

              This natural herb is also used for Impotency. According to study and research of scholars from Banaras Hindu university located in Banaras, India shows that many of the elements of Ashwagandha are antioxidant, which lead to increase in memory power and lowering the inflammation and stress and also anxiety.

              In Sanskrit meaning for Ashwagandha is “smelling like a horse”, as its fresh root resembles the smell of a sweaty horse. The species name somifera means “sleep-bearing” in Latin, due to this property it was considered as a sedative. Ashwagandha rasayana is excellent for body builders, athletes and other sports requiring a higher degree of physical strength as it gives the body an instant charge in accordance with long-lasting energy without the use of any stimulants. Ashwagandha herbs help to invigorate the body by rejuvenating the reproductive organs. It is also known as “queen of Ayurveda”.


              It is advised to take two 500 milligram capsules taken two times per day after meal.

              Note: Recommended only at the age of 14 years and above.
              (Since the product is in capsule form, some children below 14 years may have difficulty to swallow.)

              Side Effects:

              No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.


              People with thyroid or liver issues should not use this herb or related products without doctor’s recommendation.

              Benefits of Ashwagandha from Himalaya:
              • Ashwagandha Himalaya herbal product promotes physical fitness.
              • Herbal Ashwagandha from Himalaya helps to relieve stress.
              • Himalaya Ashwagandha is a strong rejuvenative.
              • Himalaya Ashwagandha supports a normal inflammatory response.
              • Ashwagandha herbal medicine is also used in the treatment for bone cancer, diabetes, bipolar disorder, constipation, impotency, rheumatism, nerve problems, and many other physical ailments.
              • Ashwagandha from Himalaya herbals treat sleeplessness by promoting sound sleep.
              • Ashwagandha Himalaya supports brain functions.
              • Himalaya herbals Ashwagandha is a powerful aphrodisiac.
              • Ashwagandha herbs bear strong anti-inflammatory properties.
              • Ashwagandha also promotes reproductive health in men by treating infertility and impotency.

              About Onlineherbs:

              OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

              Ashwagandha from Himalaya is rejuvenative herbal formulation useful to relieve stress, fatigue and sleeplessness.

              Tuesday, 27 December 2011

              Cheapest LeanTea from Himalaya Online–Natural Herbal Remedies for Appetite and Obesity

              What is LeanTea from Himalaya?

              LeanTea is a refreshing therapeutic herbal tea that helps in weight management. LeanTea is indicated in Obesity, hyperlipidemia which is the condition of abnormally elevated levels of any or all lipids and/or lipoproteins in the blood. LeanTea is also best suited to control sugar cravings.

              LeanTea from Himalaya - Burn extra calories, regulates metabolism and helps in achieving ideal weight

              The herbal ingredients in LeanTea are helpful in reducing the conversion of carbohydrates into fats; it also promotes thermogenesis which allows the body to burn extra calories. LeanTea also lowers the production of triglycerides and cholesterol by promoting synthesis of low density lipoproteins. LeanTea acts as a good Carminative and regularizes appetite. It is useful in controlling obesity.

              LeanTea from Himalaya is a refreshing herbal drink helps reduce conversion of carbohydrates to fats thereby letting your body burn extra calories and regularize appetite.

              Key Ingredient of LeanTea from Himalaya:

              Following are the few herbal ingredients that make LeanTea an effective weight loss product,
              • Garcinia Cambogia (Garcinia, Vrikshamla) – It helps to reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into fats that results in appetite reduction. Apart from this it also supports ‘thermogenesis’, a process in which body produces heat to burn the extra calories.
              • Cyperus Scariosus (umbrella’s edge, Nagaramusta) – It has carminative properties that regularizes the appetite and controls obesity by managing the extra fat.
              • Craving for sugar – Craving for sugar allows less consumption of sugar and less sugar means fewer calories, restricts one being overweight.
              • Commiphora Mukul (Indian bdellium, Guggulu) – It useful in reduction of both excess fat and LDL cholesterol as it bears hypolipidaemic and hypocholestraemic effect which ultimately results in weight loss or obesity control.
              Directions for Use:

              It is recommended to take cup of LeanTea twice daily. Dip the tea bag in a cup of cold or hot water for five minutes. Add honey for best results, if required.

              Pack Size:

              LeanTea from Himalaya comes in a packing of 20 tea bags in each pack.

              Benefits of LeanTea from Himalaya:
              • LeanTea from Himalaya is natural herbal remedy used to control obesity.
              • Himalaya LeanTea is best herbal medicine to reduce conversion of carbohydrates to fats, thereby avoids obesity or being overweight.
              • Herbal LeanTea from Himalaya is very useful to burns extra calories.
              • Regular intake of LeanTea form Himalaya helps in regulating cholesterol metabolism.
              • LeanTea from Himalaya herbals is one of the best way to regularize appetite.
              About Onlineherbs:

              OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

              LeanTea from Himalaya is herbal tea to control obesity and lose excess weight, regulate body metabolism and appetite.

              Wednesday, 21 December 2011

              Cheapest Avesta Ayurceutics Ashwagandha Online-Natural Herbal Remedies for Stress and Fatigue

              What is Ashwagandha from Avesta?

              Ashwagandha from Avesta, scientifically known as Withania Somnifera is a well-known herbal product that helps to increase resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue. Since ancient times Ashwagandha is been used as a natural herbal remedy to relive stress, boost immunity, improve memory and also to promote overall wellness.

              Avesta Ashwagandha - Herbal remedy to deal with Stress, Anxiety & proper functioning of Brain

              Avesta Ayurceutics Ashwagandha is also known as Indian Ginseng, the Ayurvedic system of Medicine states Ashwagandha as a magnificent herb which is helpful in overall rejuvenation of the body. Ashwagandha from Avesta helps in strengthening the nervous structure and also effectively avoids the early aging process of the body.

              Ashwagandha from Avesta Ayurceutics is indicated in general weakness, Hypertension, Impotence, reproductive incompetence, as a Nervine tonic, Stress Health supplement, to relieve Anxiety, slower the process of ageing, improve immunity, to increase stamina and physical endurance as well as to cope with the everyday Stress.

              Ashwagandha from Avesta Ayurceutics also known as Withania Somnifera is an herbal remedy to manage daily Stress which also promotes Healthy Aging and proper Brain Functioning.


              It is advised to take one capsule, twice a day or as directed by physician.


              Not to be taken during pregnancy; nor combined with anticoagulants, antidepressants, sedatives, narcotics, anti-anxiety agents, thyroid medication, hypoglycemic agents, or diuretics. If nursing a baby or taking any prescription drug then it is good to seek the advice of a health professional before using this product.

              Side Effects:

              No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

              Benefits of Ashwagandha from Avesta:
              • Ashwagandha from Avesta Ayurceutics is the best natural remedy to relieve stress.
              • Avesta Ayurceutics Ashwagandha helps in improving immunity power.
              • Avesta Ayurceutics Ashwagandha is a natural herbal remedy to rejuvenate the overall body.
              • Avesta Ayurceutics Ashwagandha enhances physical and mental strength.
              • Ashwagandha from Avesta Ayurceutics prevents premature Aging.
              • Avesta Ayurceutics from Ashwagandha reduces hypertension.
              • Ashwagandha from Avesta Ayurceutics is a best Nervine tonic that takes care of Brain Functioning.
              • Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory elements are used to treat swelling and high healing properties effective against wounds and injuries.
              • Ashwagandha is powerful aphrodisiac that improves reproductive health and treat impotence.
              • Avesta Ayurceutics Ashwagandha is natural herbal cure that improves mental ability and helps one to gain mental concentration and strength.
              • Recent studies have shown it is usefulness in respiratory tract infections and to overcome the asthmatic conditions.
              About Onlineherbs:

              OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

              Avesta Ayurceutics Ashwagandha is a herbal remedy used to manage daily Stress which also promotes Healthy Aging and proper Brain Functioning.

              Wednesday, 14 December 2011

              Cheapest Meshashringi Himalaya–Weight Loss Natural Herbal Remedies Improves Liver Health

              What is Meshashringi from Himalaya?

              Meshashringi from Himalaya Herbals is a powerful herb that helps in regulating sugar level in the blood. The leaves of Meshashringi herb called as “ram’s horn” or also known as Gurmar in Sanskrit is sweet in taste, when chewed destroys the sense of the tongue to appreciate the taste of sugar and all saccharine substances. Meshashringi is a woody climber whose leaf extracts contains gymnemic acid, which is known to inhibit hyperglycemia i.e. increased sugar level in the blood. It helps to maintain the right level of glucose in the body. Apart from its anti-diabetic properties, has an anti-inflammatory property. It is useful in improving digestion and boot up the liver condition. Studies have reported its benefits in obesity to lose weight naturally.

              Meshashringi from Himalaya - Best Natural Cure for Diabetes Mellitus

              The principle constituent of Meshashringi is gymnemic acid, which has anti-diabetic properties. This gymnemic acid in Meshashringi is responsible to reduce the excessive blood sugar levels in the blood. Meshashringi herbal remedy also shows regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells and is insulin tropic that which stimulates or affects the production and activity of insulin in blood. Meshashringi helps decrease the craving for sugar. It temporarily eliminates the taste of sugar and helps neutralize excessive sugar present in the body in diabetes mellitus. In fact, Meshashringi from Himalaya helps in reducing the want of sugar by temporary inhabiting sugar taste and hence results in the lowering the sugar level in the blood.


              It is advised to take one capsule twice a day after meals.

              Note: Recommended only at the age of 14 years and above.

              (Since the product is in capsule form, some children below 14 years may have difficulty to swallow.)

              Side Effects:

              No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

              Benefits of Meshashringi from Himalaya:
              • Meshashringi Himalaya herbal medicine is used in treatment of diabetes mellitus.
              • Meshashringi herb contains gymnemic acid which has anti-diabetic properties.
              • Meshashringi bears anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties apart from its anti-diabetic benefits.
              • Meshashringi from Himalaya Herbals supports health of Pancreas by showing regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells.
              • Himalaya Meshashringi herbal medicine stimulates or affects the production and activity of insulin in blood.
              • Herbal Meshashringi from Himalaya also supports healthy liver function.
              • Meshashringi from Himalaya helps maintain normal serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
              • Himalaya Meshashringi has anti-obesity effects, widely used as herbal remedy for weight-loss.
              About Onlineherbs:

              OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

              Meshashringi from Himalaya is widely used in Ayurveda for long time to regulate blood glucose level.

              Thursday, 8 December 2011

              Cheapest Avesta Ayurceutics Triphala- Natural Herbal Remedies for Digestion and Liver Problems

              What is Triphala from Avesta?

              Triphala from Avesta is an effective Ayurvedic formulation helpful in proper Digestion and Detoxification. Triphala is a natural herbal compound consisting three medicinal herbs namely Indian Gooseberry also known as Amla, Harad or Chebulic Myrobalan and Bellirica Myrobalan or well known as Haritaki in Sanskrit). Triphala is a complete body cleanser. It not only helps to detoxify and cleanse the colon, but also purifies the blood and removes toxins from the liver. Other cleansing benefits of Triphala include reducing some forms of cholesterol (serum cholesterol, bad cholesterol), and reduces high blood pressure, issues related to hypertension.

              Triphala from Avesta is a well-known Ayurvedic Formulation traditionally used for digestion and purification. It also increases bile acid excretion and improves antioxidant activity.

              Avesta Triphala - Effective Ayurvedic Remedy for proper Digestion & Detoxification

              Triphala from Avesta is considered as gentle laxative, Triphala is used to stimulate digestive health, improve liver and gallbladder function, boost immunity, ease inflammation, and manage chronic conditions like asthma. It's also commonly found in supplements that claim to detox or cleanse digestive system. Triphala possess anti-bacterial, anti-cancer and anti-allergic properties. It is used to lower the blood pressure. It reduces the serum cholesterol and also acts as a natural colon cleanser and helps to reduce the lipid level in the body. It is the best herbal medicine to get rid of indigestion. It helps in binding the digestive hormones to improve the digestion process by strengthening digestive intestinal tissues and improve gastrointestinal upset. It also improves Doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, influence physical, mental and spiritual health.


              It is advised to take one capsule, thrice a day or as directed by physician.


              Triphala from Avesta is not for use during pregnancy. If one is nursing or taking any prescription drugs, it is good seek the advice of a health care professional before using this product. Keep out of reach of children.

              Side Effects:

              No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

              Benefits of Tribulus from Avesta:
              • Triphala Avesta Ayurceutics is the best natural remedy for proper digestion.
              • Triphala from Avesta helps in detoxification of body.
              • Avesta Ayurceutics Triphala has anti-bacterial, anti-cancer and anti-allergic properties.
              • Triphala from Avesta boosts immunity.
              • Triphala Avesta Ayurceutics cleanses the colon.
              • Triphala from Avesta reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
              • Triphala from Avesta maintains normal blood pressure.
              • Avesta Ayurceutics Triphala removes toxins from liver thus maintaining healthy liver function.
              About Onlineherbs:

              OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

              Triphala from Avesta is a well-known Ayurvedic Formulation traditionally used for digestion and purification.

              Tuesday, 22 November 2011

              Cheapest Himcolin from Himalaya–Premature Ejaculation Natural Herbal Remedies improve Libido

              What is Himcolin Gel?

              Himcolin gel from Himalaya herbals is a branded Ayurvedic medicine that strengthens erectile power and improves libido. Himcolin gel is a reigning toiletry that is applied topically to delegate execution rate to the penile tissue. It helps in vasodilation of the penile tissue to reckon for stronger erections. It increases staying quality and prolongs ejaculation clip.

              Himcolin gel also helps to console and dampen. Himcolin gel is a herbal medicine topical take. It is intentional to be utilized topically on the genital part. It book by pumping blood into the phallus allowing for a coherent erection, and prolonged exclamation.

              Himalaya herbals Himcolin gel is comprised of ten natural herbs specified as Vitex negundo, Prunus amygdalus, Hibiscus abelmoschus, Celastrus paniculatus and others. It is the most effectual flux of herbal extracts that succeed for peak power.

              Himcolin gel is to be applied on the pubic region and penis before action. This herbal product has no broadside effects when utilized as directed. Specially helps in cases of erectile problems and immature exclamation. Himcolin improves your test over the orgasms, which implementation you eff the state to preserve exclamation quantify too.

              Key Ingredients:

              Each gm of Himcolin Gel absorbed oils of –

              -          Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus) 200mg
              -          Lathakasthuri (Hibiscus abelmoschus) 150mg
              -          Vathada (Prunus amygdalus) 100mg
              -          Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) 100mg
              -          Karpasa (Gossypium herbaceum) 50mg
              -          Mukulaka (Pistacia vera) 50mg
              -          Jatiphalam (Myristica fragrans) 30mg
              -          Jaatipatree - Myristica fragrans (Mace) 30mg
              -          Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum) 30mg
              -          Taja (Cinnamomum cassia) 3mg

              Processed in –

              -          Ashvagandha(Withania somnifera)
              -          Gunja(Arbus precatorious)
              -          Aswatha(Ficus religiosa)
              -          Akarakarabha(Anacyclus pyrethrum)
              -          Shatavari(Asparagus racemosus)


              Hold passable amount on the member and the pubic location at least 30 minutes before copulation with a light massage. Avoid using Himcolin Gel on the glans genital.


              Himcolin Gel is for use in men only.

              Do not snap to Children under 14 years. Delights record an hour’s gap between intake of our products or any remaining allopathic medicines.

              • Himcolin Himalaya herbal gel helps succeed erections.
              • This herbal product also increases staying power and prolongs ejaculation time.
              • Himcolin promotes gore flowing to the member.
              • Himcolin helps in soul lasting erections.
              • Himcolin moisturizes peel as compared to other herbal product.
              • Himcolin is a herbal topical medicine take with no side effects when utilized as per directions.
              • Himcolin Gel causes the penile tissue to vasoligate and aids to punish erectile dysfunction.
              • Himcolin is an effective herbal medicine that has soothing as considerably as moisturizing properties.
              • Himcolin Gel herbal product from Himalaya claims to helps turn expansive pathology, promotes quietness of the Cavernosal Muscles and increases genital gore flowing.
              Side Effects:

              Himcolin is not legendary to love any root effects when practical as per the formal recommendation.

              Inform scholars if supersensitised to the compound of this medicine or any added medication in any new structure.

              About Onlineherbs:

              OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

              Himcolin gel from Himalaya Herbals is an effective herbal Ayurvedic formulation for soothing blood flow to the groin area and erectile tissue.