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Showing posts with label blood cholesterol level. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blood cholesterol level. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Steps To Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level

A high blood cholesterol level has become the major problem among all, not only in old age but also in very early ages. The United States statistics states coronary heart disease   as the number one cause of death. High cholesterol level is a major factor for strokes, heart attacks and heart diseases. 

Cholesterol is not bad, it is used for some body functions for producing bile acid, hormones and vitamin D. But when the cholesterol levels goes beyond the normal range, it causes plaque buildup in the artery, causes narrowing and blood clots which increase the pressure on the heart to pump the blood and leads to diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. 

Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is very important to prevent from getting the dangers. A healthy diet, proper lifestyle and exercise can help one to control the cholesterol levels and live a healthy life. 

One can also go for the herbal product which is natural with no side-effects Guggulu/Shuddha Guggulu from Himalaya that promotes the metabolism of cholesterol and maintains healthy cholesterol levels.

Steps To Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level:

1. Choose The Right Type of Food

The right type of food should be included in the diet that reduces the bad cholesterol (LDL) and improves the good cholesterol (HDL). The LDL or bad cholesterol is responsible for the formation of plaque while HDL or good cholesterol helps to eliminate the cholesterol from the body, thus reducing the risk of heart attack. 

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are found in peanut, olive oil and canola oil raise the level of good cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids that are found in flaxseed, walnut and Salmon enhance the ratio of cholesterol. 

Oat bran is also the best food that is rich in soluble fiber and helps to maintain the level of cholesterol. It is one of the best foods for breakfast.

Healthy diet should be followed including good servings of fruits, vegetables, proper protein foods with lean meat cuts, whole wheat and multi grain cereals. 

2. Regular Exercise Program Is A Must

Regular 30-45 minutes of exercise program is a must to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. All types of exercises are good but one can also go for the aerobic activities such as jogging, dancing, brisk walking, swimming and bike riding.

3. Nutritional Supplements:

Supplements can help to maintain the healthy cholesterol level. These supplements are safe and natural. Niacin, garlic and fenugreek supplements are effective to maintain the cholesterol level. One should always consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner before taking any supplements.

4. Changes In Lifestyle

Making healthy changes in the lifestyle can help to maintain the level. Healthy diet and habits with proper exercise regime should be maintained.

5. Regular Check-Ups

Regular check-ups with your renowned healthcare practitioner should be done from time to time to keep a proper track on the levels. With HDL and LDL level, triglyceride level should also be monitored as elevated triglyceride levels have a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is important to prevent one from the diseases. Proper diet and healthy lifestyle can help one to maintain the level. 

One can also go for an herbal product which is natural with no side-effects such as Guggulu/Shuddha Guggulu from Himalaya that promotes the metabolism of cholesterol and maintains healthy cholesterol levels under the supervision of a known healthcare professional.

OnlineHerbs is an online store for herbal and safe medications at affordable rates. It also provides information regarding ways to live a healthy and disease-free life.