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Showing posts with label natural detoxification system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural detoxification system. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 October 2014

5 ways That Makes Your Liver Strong

Every day we come across high level of chemicals from the food we eat to the products that we use daily. Our body removes some chemicals through the waste system, but because we live in the environment where there is too much of toxic and this burden the natural system to be slowed down.

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Liver is one of the most important organs that play a major role in body’s natural detoxification system. It almost plays more than 500 functions in our body from fat metabolism to regulating hormones and removing toxins from the body. To support your liver play these functions effectively minus issues, we have to make it stronger by following the below steps. 

Drink Lemon Water

Water is important that helps in natural detoxification system and a medium to remove the toxins from the body. The citric acid in the lemon juice boosts the liver to produce bile which is another medium to remove toxins. Thus lemon water helps the liver to play the function smoothly.

Don’t Overload your Liver

Liver works very hard for functioning of the body, but if it is overloaded with alcohol and drugs such as painkillers then the organ has to unnecessarily work hard. Even taking regular and smaller doses of painkillers can lead to liver disorders and failure.

Liver Supplements

Take supplements that support your liver and make it strong. There are some supplements that are helpful in protecting and cleansing the liver such as turmeric, milk thistle and dandelion. 500 mg of dandelion extract, 50 mg of turmeric and 500 mg of milk thistle daily may help to support liver. Consult your physician first before trying any type of supplements.

Eat Vegetables

Vegetables especially cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, collard greens, kale and arugula are important for liver detoxification. At least one serving of cruciferous vegetable should be included in your daily diet.

Take Enough Minerals

Plenty of mineral rich foods should be included in the diet as it is very essential for the detoxification process. The important one includes manganese, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, selenium, copper and zinc. 

Liver is one of the most important organs and one should take proper care of and is very essential for good health. Proper diet and the above guidelines should be followed to make your liver strong. One can also go for Liv 52 DS/LiverCare from Himalaya which is a  side-effects free herbal product for maintaining liver functioning.

OnlineHerbs is a safe online medium to avail medications at affordable prices. It also provides relevant data on ways to liver health and beyond.