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Showing posts with label liver disorders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liver disorders. Show all posts

Monday, 18 April 2011

Boost Up Liver Health with Himalaya Liv.52

Liver is one of the most important organs and the biggest gland in the body of humans. In simpler terms this organ helps in digestion and metabolism of the body apart from its wide range of functions such as to store the nutrients like glycogen, minerals and proteins.

Some symptoms which indicate something is wrong with the liver are:
* Pain in the abdomen
* Difficulty in breathing and coughing,
* Loss of appetite
* Diarrhea
* Flatulence

For survival of body this organ needs to work efficiently.
Liver cleansing is one of the best ways to keep liver in good health. This method assists in removing the chemicals, toxins etc from the liver which are dangerous and harmful elements.

Watch out the video to know about how Himalaya Liv.52 boost up the overall functioning of liver.

There are plenty of natural and herbal methods by which we can maintain and improve the liver health. This is for instance:


  • Epsom salts are some times used as a natural remedy for liver problems.
  • Dandelion and Burdock Licorice and ginger are herbals that cure for liver problems.
  • Dandelion root, Burdock root, Licorice root and ginger root are some of the main ingredients present in detox tea. Intake of detox tea helps in removing fat deposits and it also decreases cholesterol level in the body.
  • Coffee enema is another natural liver cleanse remedy for good liver health. It does the cleansing act by flushing out gall stones and elimination of toxins from liver and this quite boon to have coffee enema.
  • Lemon juice is a natural cleansing remedy. After taking meals the intake of lemon juice helps in improving the metabolism. There is antioxidant property of Lemon juice has a magnificent medical capability to eject out gall stones and that makes it one among the best remedial measures for liver problems resent in lemon juice which is due to vitamin C that protects cells from getting damaged. We can take a combination of lemon juice, olive oil and Epsom salts which act as a remedial measure for liver ailments...
  • For improving liver health we can use Castor oil as a natural remedy, this improves the metabolism.
  • Milk Thistle is also one among the important natural herbs used for cleansing liver.
  • Consumption of vegetable salads like inclusion of lettuce, cucumber and spinach and fruit juices are some of the food items included in a Liver cleansing diet. This diet helps in digestion which further boosts our energy levels and maintains our health.

For us some constraints are required like we need to avoid fast and junky foods and do not consume liquor while taking a cleansing diet which is a very much required and effective remedial measure. Through this we can protect ourselves.

We should take the suggestions form our health experts and physicians, set up some regime for liver cleansing and follow the diet menu for maintaining our health.