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Showing posts with label Himalaya herbal supplement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Himalaya herbal supplement. Show all posts

Monday, 24 February 2014

Learning to live with Back pain ,Gout, Spondilyosis and Arthritis

Most people world the over when afflicted with diseases such as Back pain, Gout, Spondylitis and Arthritis feel very ill informed and uneducated. This is mainly because most of these diseases attack the patients most unexpectedly. The pain and suffering along with lack of knowledge about the disease makes them even more vulnerable. Whom to approach, what to do, how to overcome the pain are many issues which crop in the mind of those suffering from the same. Gaining knowledge about the disease and approaching the right medical fractioned and accepting the fact that they have to learn to live with the disease are certain things which will help the patient to understand the disease better and overcome the same. The below listed information will be of great help to anyone suffering from gout, arthritis, Spondylosis and back pain.
  • Referring a good doctor:
    • Understanding the underlying medical problem and finding the right doctor for the same goes a long way in solving the medical problem. For back pain referring to an orthopedic, in case of gout, Spondylosis or arthritis going to a Rheumatologist would be the right way to deal with the problem.
    • The relevant doctor after getting certain test will be able to diagnose the problem and treat accordingly.
  • Patience is the key word:
    • Sticking to the treatment plan is of utmost importance. Trying to change the doctor or leaving the medication half way is not at all advisable. Each person suffering from arthritis or Spondylosis or gout may respond differently to the same treatment.
    • Only after a lot of trial and error cans the doctor come to a conclusion regarding the right medicine for the particular patient. Giving time to the doctor to decide on the perfect medicine for your particular problem is very important.
  • Alternative Medicine
    • For people preferring to avoid allopathic medicines due to their side effects. The alternative medicine also provides equally good relief from diseases such as gout, back pain, arthritis and Spondylosis.
    • The joint pack of Himalaya Joint care/Rumalaya combo pack is one such alternative medicine which provides complete cure for pain from arthritis, Spondylosis and gout.
    • For people who are on travel most of the time, this combo pack from Himalaya containing tablets and gel is the perfect medicine to be carried along.
    • This Himalaya herbal supplement is known to improve the flexibility in joints and reduce frozen joints.
    • Being anti-inflammatory, this natural herbal remedy helps reduce inflammation of the affected areas.
  • Learning to live with the disease:
    • The problem of gout, Spondylosis. Arthritis and even back pain can throw the life of the person suffering the same out of gear. The symptoms could range from mild, severe to moderate.
    • Restricting work, social activities, and leisure depending on the severity of the situation is one way of dealing with the problem.
    • By understanding the disease and making near and dear ones also understand the situation can to some extent help in getting less frustrated and irritated.
    • Getting prepared before the arrival of winter season will also help to a great extent as this disease of arthritis is known to get aggravated during winters.
    Understanding the facts and not believing in myths and misconceptions is the right way to handle the problem of rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and Spondylosis and back pain. The ultimate goal should be to make living easier without the pain overpowering one’s life.