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Showing posts with label Herbs online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbs online. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Let's Show You How To Cut Calories During Christmas Holidays!

50% Off On All Herbal Products
Christmas is an occasion where we just can’t avoid the overindulgence and then end up gaining extra weight and calories. Here are some tips for you about how to avoid overindulgence and cut down on those extra calories.

Eat Before You Go for Party

Eat something healthy before leaving for a party; this will minimize the chances of you snacking on unhealthy and high calorie foods. If you go hungry, you are possibly to eat more unhealthy foods that you and your body do not want and, most importantly, do not need!

Limit Your Drinks

Go for a lower calorie option. Limit your drinks, drink a large cup of water after every alcoholic drink and be away from sweet liqueurs and alcopops (spirit cooler).

Be Away from Festive Offers

There might be many offers going on various food items, but avoid buying those unhealthy food items. Buying and eating such Christmas sweets will leave behind nothing but the calories, resulting excess weight. Also keep the treats out of your sight as most of us eat more just because the food is just in front.

Herbal Help

Consider taking some supporting and quality herbal medicines such as AyurSlim from Himalaya. It is a natural and safe Ayurvedic slimming solution.

It contains Garcinia limiting body’s fat production and supporting the body weight reduction. Its other important ingredients are:
  • Indian Bdellium—reduces triglyceride and excess cholesterol levels
  • Gymnema—reduces your craving for sweets

The combination of these two natural herbs controls the food craving and also controls your appetite resulting in minimum calorie consumption and optimal utilization of nutrients.


Stick to the usual routine of work out; most people tend to be lazy during holidays. If you manage and keep yourself physically active in this period, your metabolism will be humming, and the body will have sufficient and an easier time burning off the extra calories.

So follow the above mentioned tips to cut down on extra calories during these winter holidays and make your Christmas healthy, happy and merry, indeed!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Have you ever tried the miracle herb of Haridra

Have you ever suffered from some or any one of the below mentioned diseases in your life time and could not get the perfect cure for it, then try Haridra from Himalaya for any one or all of the below problems.
  • Asthma
  • Skin disorders
  • Obesity
  • Cough
  • Sinus
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Skin discoloration
  • Anorexia
  • Dyspepsia
  • Leprosy
  • Hysteria
  • Hemoptysis
  • Fever
  • Bronchitis
Curcuma Longa also known as Haridra and Turmeric belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It has found a special place in the Indian cuisine since centuries. 

Turmeric or Curcuma Longa is a yellow colored, bitter tasting, herb found mainly in India, China Indonesia and other Asian countries.It is widely used in Indian cooking for adding color to recipes and also for complexion enhancement. 

Modern research by scientists has revealed the multitude of benefits which the humble Turmeric has right from anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties to metabolic boosting properties. 

Haridra from Himalaya even works as a blood purifying agent. Its anti -coagulant properties helps to prevent blood clots. 

Apart from the above the Haridra benefits include enhancement of kidney and liver function. The Haridra Herbs are found to have Carcinogenic properties which aids in the cure of cancer. 

The Himalaya Haridra is an active cure for scorpion bites and even relieves hiccups. It is also known to cure abdominal swelling, abscesses, chicken pox, bronchitis, Jaundice, leprosy and other ailments. 

To get the benefit of this herb one just need to log online and search on the internet by typing Herbs online. 

This herbal remedies online is not only a cure for cancer and heart disease but is found to be excellent in improving the conditions of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, edema , allergic bronchitis and even skin allergic disorder. 

The natural herbal supplement of Haridra is also found to be effective in the cure of common, cold, cough, asthma, old and malarial fever, heaviness in the head including hoarseness in voice. 

Maintain a regular stock of the wonderful Ayurvedic medicine of Haridra at home and drive away all the ailments affecting you and your dear ones.