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Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Natural Infertility Treatment Works to Increase Sperm Mortality

All about sperm mortality problem

Are you suffering from sperm mortality and thinking that it may spoil your relationship with your partner? You are not the only one fighting with this problem. You can now keep all your worries at bay as help is at hand in the form of natural infertility treatment that helps to ward off all issues related to such disorders.

Treat sperm mortality the natural way

Following are some of the most effective natural remedies to keep infertility at bay. These include:
  • Proper diet: consuming adequate amounts of fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains help to boost fertility. Food deprivation in males results in a low sex drive as well as structural changes in the reproductive tissue thereby resulting in infertility. Hence taking a proper diet is a must to prevent sperm mortality.
  • Stress: Stress is considered an evil. It destroys the brain, arteries as well as the testosterone. It can also result in fertility problems as it lowers testosterone. It actually exerts the brakes on the cortisol from abolishing the testosterone, and anything that lowers the level of testosterone has a bad impact on fertility.Preventing stress is an effective natural infertility treatment.
  • Walnuts: as per a research it has been discovered that walnuts help to prevent sperm mortality. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that play a vital part in maturing sperm as well as aids in maintaining the integrity of the membrane surrounding the cell that in turn affects the ability of fertilizing an egg. Hence eating few walnuts a day keeps sperm problem at bay.
  • Water: water is the best solution for treating all kinds of health problems and also helps to increase sperm count. Make a habit of drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily. This is the most inexpensive yet effective natural infertility treatment.
Follow these natural remedies and ward off sperm mortality.
For more information visit us

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