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Thursday, 19 July 2012

Himalaya V-Gel-- Ayurvedic Medicines for treating all types of vaginal problems

Vaginal Infections and types…!!!

Vaginal infection is one of the most common vaginal problems in the world. Approximately 80% of women are experiencing some type of vaginal problem or infections during their lives. You shouldn’t be ashamed if you have vaginal infections, as vaginal infections are easy to catch. The treatment of vaginal problem is very quick, easy and as the treatment is an Ayurvedic so it is free from risk...
Types of vaginal infections…!!!
There are many types of vaginal infections. These infections are harmless but sometimes few will require extra care. It is very essential that you be treated for the right vaginal infection, or it will only get worse.
Bacterial Vaginosis:
This infection is commonly known as BV. BI accounts for 40% of all vaginal infections in the USA. Bacterial vaginosis or BI is a harmless infection of the vagina caused due to bacteria. Usually there are 2 types of bacteria in the vagina, good and bad bacteria. The cause of BI is not clear, yet it is certainly due to bacterial imbalances in your vagina. Good Bacteria helps to control the growth of bad type’s bacteria. In women with BI, the balance is upset. There are too many bad bacteria where as the number of good bacteria is much less. The infection may be sexually transmitted, but can also be caused by IUDS and douches. If you do experience indications they will likely include irritation, itching, and redness. Other common symptoms may include a white, gray, or smelly discharge from the vagina.
Yeast Infection
Candida or yeast infection is also a type of vaginal infection. Candida albicans causes 80% to 90% of vaginal yeast infections. This infection is caused due to overgrowth of a fungus called Candida albicans. This infection is not transmitted sexually, but it may be caused by damp or tight cloths, baths, or extra moisture inside the vagina. Vaginal yeast infection symptoms often include itching, inflammation, and continued irritation. Other yeast infection symptoms include: frequent urination, pain during intercourse, and a chunky, thick, white discharge from your vagina. Menopause and Vaginal Infections
Menopause is the main cause of vaginal infections. Changing hormone levels may lead to the bacteria in your vagina going haywire. This in turn results in bad bacteria and at the same time fungi might grow there. Vaginal infections, mainly yeast infections, are one of the main symptoms of menopause.
Your vagina will become thinner and weaker, as your estrogen levels decline during menopause. This infection allows the walls of your vagina to be easily irritated during intercourse, leaving tiny scars or cuts where bacteria can flourish.
During menopause you will also suffer from vaginal dryness. This dryness will leave you feeling like itchy and irritated, but it can be treated through medicated creams and suppositories.

One of the best solutions to get rid of vaginal problem is V-gel…!!!

V-Gel from Himalaya herbals is an Ayurvedic Medicine, which effectively treats common vaginal problems. It shows anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial as well as anti-fungal properties. This medicine helps in the treatment of vaginitis and cervicitis. Vaginal gel Herbal Remedies help to relieve itching as well as it accelerates the process of healing. This Ayurvedic gel also shows demulcent action, which soothes the inflamed vagina and cervix.
V-Gel is indicated when indications like Vaginal trichomoniasis, Vaginal Candidiasis, nonspecific bacterial vaginitis, prevention of post-operative vaginal infections, Cervicitis and Leukorrhea are displayed. V-Gel also helps to maintain the pH levels in the body.
Benefits of V-Gel from Himalaya:
This is a natural herbal medicine, which gently soothes irregular vexation, itching, and oxidization sensations of the vagina. It helps to relieve irregular dryness of the vagina. It also helps to maintain harmony pH levels in the body and supports the body's natural immune and defense systems.


  1. What an awesome post on vaginal treatment, I just read it from start to end. Learned something new after a long time. Its extremely good and very helpful for me.Thanks for sharing this great post.

  2. Vagitot cream is useful for all types of vaginal problem. It is herbal and non greasy. It provides relief from vaginal yeast infection instantly without side effect.
