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Friday 9 January 2015

Natural Ways to Treat Eczema Associated With Osteoporosis

Eczema is a skin condition that is similar to other skin problems that can cause worse itching. The new study has revealed that eczema is associated with osteoporosis related fractures. The people with eczema are at a higher risk due to the chronic inflammation that occurs in eczema and impact the bone mineral density.
So along with eczema, care should be taken to treat osteoporosis. Those with eczema should be away from water with no long showers, dishwashing and frequent hand washing. One should protect the skin with thick cream and avoid usage of harsh soaps or any lotion you are sensitive to and scratching.

Some Handy Tips for Eczema

  • Soak a cloth in ice-cold milk, lay on the itchy part. Repeat the process for many times a day as required. This helps to calm the itching.
  • For rash, use calamine lotion that helps with itching and drying of the rash. Add to your bath colloidal oatmeal that helps in soothing of the itchy skin.
  • Excessive bathing washes off the protective oils that help to keep the skin moist. Always use lukewarm water for bathing.
  • Use a cream with heavy based moisturizer after the bath to protect the skin against irritants. Solid vegetable shortening or petroleum jelly also works well to protect the skin. Avoid water based or fragrance based lotions.
  • Avoid scratching and cover the itchy part with small bandage to stop you from itching. Wear thin cotton gloves or pair of socks if waking up with scratched skin.

Natural Ways for Treatment of Eczema:

  • Include foods that are rich in essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 that help to reduce the allergic reactions and inflammation. The foods that are rich in this are flaxseed oil, avocados, tuna, walnuts, mackerel and salmon. Drizzle some flaxseed oil in salads, yogurt or other foods.
  • Zinc helps to protect your skin, also include vitamin E and A to help heal the eczema.
  • The gotu kola herb help ease the itchy skin. You can look for the extract or commercial skin with gotu kola.
  • Eat more foods such as fruits, fresh juices, smoothies, vegetables and salads. Take green vegetable juices and include ingredients such as ginger, celery, parsley, cucumber, cilantro and kale.
  • Include dairy free probiotic products in the diet that re-build and support the healthy gut bacteria. One can also include cultured foods such as miso, coconut kefir and sauerkraut.
  • Avoid gluten in the diet from products such as breads, cereals and packaged foods. You can replace them with fruits and vegetables, sprouts, legumes, seeds, whole grains and seaweeds.
  • Caffeine should be avoided as it aggravates the condition of eczema, instead drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Eczema is a skin condition similar to other skin problems that can cause worse itching. The new study has also found that eczema is associated with osteoporosis related fractures. Those with eczema should take special care and follow the natural ways for treating eczema. One can also go for the herbal product Coresatin Nonsteroidal Cream Therapy for Inflammatory Skin Conditions that protects the skin.
OnlineHerbs is a reliable online portal to grab medication at affordable prices. It also provides with relevant information on the condition of eczema related to osteoporosis and natural ways to treat it without causing side-effects!

Sunday 28 December 2014

3 Natural Ways to Combat Dyspepsia and Hyperacidity

Now that festive season is gaining momentum and people going all out for celebrations, most of us now will start noticing upset stomach or some issues with the stomach or digestive system due to overindulgence over tasty party foods which is not good for health by any means!

Here are a few super foods that will relieve you from dyspepsia and hyperacidity. But before we start, take a look at following points about Dos and Don’ts when you have an upset stomach.
  • Avoid vinegar or vinegar-based foods ( Pickles)
  • Avoid spicy foods, potatoes and meat completely
  • Avoid caffeine, smoking or drinking alcohol
  • Clean the ear with cotton regularly
  • Eat only healthy foods that support digestive system

Eat These to Get Relief from Dyspepsia

  • Butter Milk
    • One of the best and simplest ways to get rid of dyspepsia
    • It soothes the digestive system and intestines
    • It is recommended to take it at least 2-3 times a day
    • You can also add cumin seed powder or black pepper powder for more effective results
  • Yogurt
    • It prevent indigestion
    • Consider eating some yogurt on a daily basis as it pacifies your intestines
  • Carrot
    • It helps keep your internal system clean
    • It provides necessary and essential enzymes and minerals
    • It increases the saliva and speeds up the digestion process
    • It is advised to chew at least one carrot per day or you can just have a carrot juice every morning

Eat These to Get Relief from Hyperacidity

  • Banana
    • Banana has a high percentage of potassium and it helps maintain the acid production level in your stomach
    • Also, some particular components in it help grow the mucous production in the stomach which helps defend it from any harmful effects of an excessive acid production
    • Prevents the recurrence of acidity
    • It also has high amounts of fiber which helps speed up your digestion
  • Cold Milk
    • A rich source of calcium which helps prevent the build ups of acids and absorbs the leftover acid produced, thus reducing acidity symptoms
    • Also, as it is cold, it soothes the burning sensation immediately
  • Amla
    • Amla calms cough and it also has high amounts of vitamin C which helps healing esophagus and an injured stomach lining

    Organic Herbal Supplements

    Take some good herbal supplement such as Amalaki from Himalaya which will soothe your stomach acids as well as the digestive system. It pacifies hyperacidity. It is 100%  a natural and herbal formulation with no side-effects.

    However, it is advised to visit your licensed doctor for the prescription of dosage that best suits your health condition. Amalaki Himalaya herbal also cures sore throat and other respiratory issues. It also prevents pre-mature ageing of the skin.

    Start eating all stomach-healthy foods and take Amalaki along with it to get instant relief from digestive issues making your belly fit and healthy.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Let's Show You How To Cut Calories During Christmas Holidays!

50% Off On All Herbal Products
Christmas is an occasion where we just can’t avoid the overindulgence and then end up gaining extra weight and calories. Here are some tips for you about how to avoid overindulgence and cut down on those extra calories.

Eat Before You Go for Party

Eat something healthy before leaving for a party; this will minimize the chances of you snacking on unhealthy and high calorie foods. If you go hungry, you are possibly to eat more unhealthy foods that you and your body do not want and, most importantly, do not need!

Limit Your Drinks

Go for a lower calorie option. Limit your drinks, drink a large cup of water after every alcoholic drink and be away from sweet liqueurs and alcopops (spirit cooler).

Be Away from Festive Offers

There might be many offers going on various food items, but avoid buying those unhealthy food items. Buying and eating such Christmas sweets will leave behind nothing but the calories, resulting excess weight. Also keep the treats out of your sight as most of us eat more just because the food is just in front.

Herbal Help

Consider taking some supporting and quality herbal medicines such as AyurSlim from Himalaya. It is a natural and safe Ayurvedic slimming solution.

It contains Garcinia limiting body’s fat production and supporting the body weight reduction. Its other important ingredients are:
  • Indian Bdellium—reduces triglyceride and excess cholesterol levels
  • Gymnema—reduces your craving for sweets

The combination of these two natural herbs controls the food craving and also controls your appetite resulting in minimum calorie consumption and optimal utilization of nutrients.


Stick to the usual routine of work out; most people tend to be lazy during holidays. If you manage and keep yourself physically active in this period, your metabolism will be humming, and the body will have sufficient and an easier time burning off the extra calories.

So follow the above mentioned tips to cut down on extra calories during these winter holidays and make your Christmas healthy, happy and merry, indeed!

Friday 12 December 2014

Top Foods For Healthy Joints

Joint pain has become one of the major problems in early 30s instead of 50s and 60s.. The main reason for this is lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. With medications and supplements there are some best foods that can help to keep the joint healthy. 

Foods For Healthy Joints:

  • Black Beans:

Amino acids are essential as they are the building blocks and important for forming cartilage and other tissues. Black beans are rich source of protein, antioxidants, anthocyanins (fighter of free radical) and enzyme that is responsible for inflammation. They are also rich in manganese and help to keep the joints healthy. 

  • Salmon:

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in good amount in Salmon and it also contains vitamin D that is essential for healthy bones and joints.

  • Almonds:

Almonds are the best source of vitamin E that protects the joint cells outer membrane and defends against the free radicals. So, almonds are good for healthy joints. Along with almonds one can also go for peanuts and sunflower seeds that are also good sources of vitamin E.

  • Papaya:

Papaya contains two times more amount of vitamin C than any other fruit. It also contains beta-carotene that also is an antioxidant which helps for joints health.

  • Apple:

An apple a day can help for the treatment of arthritis. It is a good source of quercetin that is an antioxidant that is essential for building collagen and slows down the deterioration.

  • Kale:

Kale is also a good source for healthy joints and bones. It is free of cholesterol, have low amount of fat and calories than dairy products. It also contains vitamin C, A and K that protects the joints. Kale contains two minerals copper that helps to build the collagen and ligaments and manganese that activates the enzymes that are needed for repair and tissue growth.

  • Broccoli:

Broccoli contains vitamins that help to keep the joint healthy. It contains vitamin A, B, C, E and K and many minerals such as calcium and even proteins. Broccoli contains chemical sulforaphane that reinvigorate the defenses of body against the free radicals.

  • Ginger:

Ginger is known to reduce the swelling and joint pain. The compound Gingerol shows the same effects as the drug Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. It also holds down the COX-2 production, that is a key enzyme for inflammation.

Medications and supplements help to relieve the joint pain, but along with it one can also go for the foods that also help for healthy joints and let go the pain. 

The herbal product JointCare/Rumalaya Combo Pack From Himalaya Herbals (Tablets & Gel) is effective for treating the arthritis and also provides relief from joint pain and improves flexibility.

OnlineHerbs is an online store for safe and herbal medications at affordable prices. It also provides remedies and foods for joint health and care.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Steps To Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level

A high blood cholesterol level has become the major problem among all, not only in old age but also in very early ages. The United States statistics states coronary heart disease   as the number one cause of death. High cholesterol level is a major factor for strokes, heart attacks and heart diseases. 

Cholesterol is not bad, it is used for some body functions for producing bile acid, hormones and vitamin D. But when the cholesterol levels goes beyond the normal range, it causes plaque buildup in the artery, causes narrowing and blood clots which increase the pressure on the heart to pump the blood and leads to diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. 

Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is very important to prevent from getting the dangers. A healthy diet, proper lifestyle and exercise can help one to control the cholesterol levels and live a healthy life. 

One can also go for the herbal product which is natural with no side-effects Guggulu/Shuddha Guggulu from Himalaya that promotes the metabolism of cholesterol and maintains healthy cholesterol levels.

Steps To Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level:

1. Choose The Right Type of Food

The right type of food should be included in the diet that reduces the bad cholesterol (LDL) and improves the good cholesterol (HDL). The LDL or bad cholesterol is responsible for the formation of plaque while HDL or good cholesterol helps to eliminate the cholesterol from the body, thus reducing the risk of heart attack. 

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are found in peanut, olive oil and canola oil raise the level of good cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids that are found in flaxseed, walnut and Salmon enhance the ratio of cholesterol. 

Oat bran is also the best food that is rich in soluble fiber and helps to maintain the level of cholesterol. It is one of the best foods for breakfast.

Healthy diet should be followed including good servings of fruits, vegetables, proper protein foods with lean meat cuts, whole wheat and multi grain cereals. 

2. Regular Exercise Program Is A Must

Regular 30-45 minutes of exercise program is a must to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. All types of exercises are good but one can also go for the aerobic activities such as jogging, dancing, brisk walking, swimming and bike riding.

3. Nutritional Supplements:

Supplements can help to maintain the healthy cholesterol level. These supplements are safe and natural. Niacin, garlic and fenugreek supplements are effective to maintain the cholesterol level. One should always consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner before taking any supplements.

4. Changes In Lifestyle

Making healthy changes in the lifestyle can help to maintain the level. Healthy diet and habits with proper exercise regime should be maintained.

5. Regular Check-Ups

Regular check-ups with your renowned healthcare practitioner should be done from time to time to keep a proper track on the levels. With HDL and LDL level, triglyceride level should also be monitored as elevated triglyceride levels have a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is important to prevent one from the diseases. Proper diet and healthy lifestyle can help one to maintain the level. 

One can also go for an herbal product which is natural with no side-effects such as Guggulu/Shuddha Guggulu from Himalaya that promotes the metabolism of cholesterol and maintains healthy cholesterol levels under the supervision of a known healthcare professional.

OnlineHerbs is an online store for herbal and safe medications at affordable rates. It also provides information regarding ways to live a healthy and disease-free life.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Get That Slim Body With AyurSlim from Himalaya

First things first! Are you struggling for that flat, thin, and sexy belly look? Do not worry, here are some easy-to-follow tips for you to lose weight and get that fabulous body straightaway.
  • Breakfast:
People generally have this perception that skipping their breakfast help burn the calories. Wrong! In fact, eating a proper breakfast daily can help you to lose weight in a healthy way.
  • Have Fruits:
Try and eat various fruits twice a day, at least. Fruits mostly contain water and no fat, so eating fruits will make you feel full eventually making you eat less.
  • Sit Down &  Eat:
Don’t eat with that off mood! Sit down and eat your meal without worrying or thinking of any problems.
Watch how much you eat! Avoid texting, watching TV or other activities that will distract you while eating; as distractions can make you eat more.
  • Identify Your Exercises:
Identify an exercise that suits your health and works best for you. Stick to the one that suits you the best and lose weight without hurting yourself.
  • Get Enough Sleep:
No matter how hard you exercise or diet, if you don’t get enough sleep your health is still at risk. So, if you want those calories to be burnt off, get a sleep of, at least, 8 hours every night.

Apart from all these tips, taking an herbal and side effects-free treatment will also help you lose weight. AyurSlim from Himalaya is one of the best Ayurvedic medicines that help in weight loss minus the onset of side-effects based complications.

AyurSlim from Himalaya is a safe way to reduce weight fast. It is an herbal product and has no side effects if taken as prescribed by a certified medical professional.
It contains various herbal ingredients such as
  • Fenugreek
  • Chebulic myrobalan
  • Garcinia
  • Indian bdellium
  • Gymnema

Benefits of AyurSlim from Himalaya are:

  • Makes the immune system strong
  • Reduces body’s fat storing ability
  • Rejuvenates the body
  • Help fats to be passed on without being stored in the body
  • Reduces fat production
  • Maintains lipid production
  • Eliminates body impurities
  • Increases insulin production
  • Reduces glucose absorption

So, try to follow the tips mentioned above daily without fail and you will get that dream slim-trim body soon!

Friday 14 November 2014

Happy Safe Drinking With PartySmart Capsules From Himalaya

 Do you like to booze on weekends or daily? If you enjoy  alcohol minus limits then you might have experienced at least some of the short term effects of drinking, be it a bad night’s sleep or a hangover.


Although many effects of alcohol or drinking are because of how it affects one’s brain; the effects of alcohol depend on various factors including:

  • Gender
  • Weight
  • Amount of fat or muscle
  • other medications in your system
  • Age
  • The amount and type of food there in your stomach
  • Drinking history
  • How fast you drink
  • Mental and emotional state
  • Physical health
  • Tolerance to alcohol

Alcohol rapidly affects the central nervous system (CNS), a system that controls a wide range of important body functions. When you are intoxicated, the alcohol interferes with the ability of the CNS to analyze sensory information. This ends up in the typical or usual of being drunk.

The Short Term Effects Of Drinking 
  • Blackouts
  • Decreased balance and co-ordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Reduced concentration
  • Blurred visions
  • Fatigue
  • Body pain
  • Sweating
  • Intense moods (Depression, aggression and elation)
  • Decision making issues 
  • Dulling one’s sensation of pain (The dulling of pain is why alcohol was used in the past as an anesthetic).
Treating The Effects:

To avoid such effects, limit yourself on drinking habits and start taking some herbal medicines that can reduce such short term effects.
In the same context, PartySmart Capsules from Himalaya is an herbal product made up of natural ingredients such as Chicory (Kasani) and Dates (Kharjura) which cure all the after effects of alcohol. It is like a perfect natural aid for alcoholics to help them have a normal and ‘Good Morning’  after heavy drinking of the previous night.
It provides relief from other symptoms of hangover such as vomiting, nausea, drowsiness and headache.

Benefits Of PartySmart Capsules From Himalaya:
  • Reduces toxins such as acetaldehyde, generated due to alcohol metabolism
  • Cures and provides relief from after effects of heavy drinking
  • Protects the liver

The PartySmart Capsules from Himalaya is known to be a side effects free herbal medicine if taken in the proper amount of dosage as per prescription of only a certified medical practitioner. But it is also suggested to limit your drinking habits as in  the end, heavy drinking will only damage your body and your life, too.